Dr.K.Kalyan's Profile
Dr Krish Kalyan is a Technocrat with work experience spanning over nearly four decades. Served in MNC’s in senior Management positions, including Managing Director, Boots Pharmaceuticals Co. (India) Ltd. And Chairman, Elder Pharmaceuticals, and is widely known and respected in the Pharmaceutical Industry. He was actively connected with dealings on Policy matters on behalf of the Industry, with the Government of India. He headed the Special Task Force, responsible for recommending and compiling Good manufacturing Practices ( GMP) on behalf of the Organization of Pharmaceutical Products of India, ( OPPI ) which is widely used in the pharmaceutical Industry.
Following his retirement from active service, Dr. Kalyan has been involved in teaching post-graduate Pharmacy students at the Al-Amen College of Pharmacy, Bangalore, and is advising the college with their continuing education initiative aimed at practicing Pharmacists. It has been his long-standing passion to develop a drug database, which can be placed in the public domain for used as a free resource by any interested party. This database is truly a labour of love done on his own time and expense.
All the Research based Pharma companies are required to carry out sufficient clinical studies and generate valid and authentic safety data before the drug is approved by the FDA or equivalent regulatory authorities, and launched in the market. The information then becomes the data base for use of the drug by the Health care Professional. A Professional pharmacist can only contribute by ensuring that the information is properly decimated so that and all the end users are made aware of its importance.
- BSc. B.Pharm, Ph.D ( Lond) F.R.I.C., C.Chem (chartered Chemist). F.R.S.H.
- Ex-Managing Director The Boots Company of India (currently known as Abbots)
- Ex-Chairman – Elder Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
- Visiting Faculty Member – Al- Ameen college of Pharmacy – teaching postgraduate students on Quality assurance Systems and Clinical Pharmacy
Dr.Krish Kalyan,
3368, 13th Main II Cross,
HAL Stage II,
Bangalore 560038,
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