Clobetasone - Topical corticosteroids
Drug Name:
Clobetasone - Topical corticosteroids
List Of Brands:
Indication Type Description:
Drug Interaction:
Warfarin - for Emusone - M only
Mild eczema Steroid responsive infections
Adverse Reaction:
Use of large amounts over very large areas of body can cause sufficient absorption to produce adrenal supression,
Cushings syndrome, diabetes and hypertension.
Perioral dermatitis, striae especially in flexures.
Dermal and epidermal atrophy especially on the face, steroid purpera.
Primary skin infections by viruses, fungi or bacteria.
Hypersens to any ingredient.
Special precautions:
In infants and children treatment should not normally exceed 7 days. Lesions infected must receive appropiate anti-microbial therapy.
Withdraw corticosteroid treatment if infection spreads.
Avoid extensive and prolonged use in pregnancy.
Prolonged use of gentamycin (renal impairment or ototoxicity).
Dosages/ Overdosage Etc:
Mild eczema
Steroid responsive infections
Apply 3-4 times daily