Thiopentone sodium- Barbiturates- General anesthetics
Drug Name:
Thiopentone sodium- Barbiturates- General anesthetics
List Of Brands:
Indication Type Description:
Drug Interaction:
Interacting drugs -Summary
+ Barbiturate anesthetics
barbiturate dose required to induce anesthesia may be reduced Apnea more common with this combination
preanesthetic use of phenothiazines may raise the frequency and severity of neuromuscular excitation and hypotension in patients who receive barbiturate anesthesia
the anesthesia produced by the barbiturate may be extended or acheived at lower doses
sufisoxasole may enhance the anesthetic effects of the barbiturates
General anaesthetic
Adverse Reaction:
Respiratory depression, hypersentivity, hypotension,
Flushing, cough, hiccough, heightening of laryngeal refluxes, laryngospasm, hyperglycaemia.
Special precautions:
Hypovolaemia,uremia, H/O severe asthma, severe cardiac disease, elderly.
Dosages/ Overdosage Etc:
General anesthetic
Administer IV only. Titrate against patient requirement based on age, sex, and body weight.
Test dose- Inject a small test dose to ascess tolerance or unusual sensitivity.
Anesthesia- Moderately slow induction can be acheived by injection of 50 to 75 mg(2 to 3 ml of 2.5% solution) at intervals of 20 to 40 seconds, depending on patient response.