Progestins @ Sex hormones
Drug Name:Progestins @ Sex hormones
List Of Brands:
Indication Type Description:
Drug Interaction
Adverse Reaction
Dosages/ Overdosage Etc
Patient Information
Pharmacology/ Pharmacokinetics
Pregnancy and lactation
Drug Interaction:
Interacting drugs- summary
Aminoglutethimide +
Medoxyprogesterone- aminoglutethimide increase the hepatic metabolism of Medroxyprogesterone medoxyprogesterone decreasing its therapeutic effects.
Rifampin- rifampin reduce the plasma levels of norethindrone via hepatic
+ Norethindrone- microsoamal enzyme induction, decreasing its pharmacologic effects
Drug/Lab interactions- laboratory testsof hepatic function,coagulation tests, (increase in prothreombin, Factors VII, VIII, IX, ans X) thyroid, metyrapone tst and endocrine functions may be affected by progestins A decrease inglucose tolerance has been observed in a small percentage of patients on estrogen-progestin combination drugs.
Amenorrhea Abnormal uterine bleeding Endometriosis Contraception
Adverse Reaction:
Dosages/ Overdosage Etc:
Amenorrhea Abnormal uterine bleeding Endometriosis Contraception
For IM use . The drug is irritating at the injectin site
Ammenoorhea- administer 5 to 10mg daily for 6 to 8 consecutive days. Ifovarian activity has produced a proliferative endometrium expect withdrawal bleeding 48 to 72 hours after the lastt injectin
Functional normal bleeding- administer 5 to 10mg daily for 6 doses. Bleeding should cease within 6 days.
Patient Information:
1. If GI upset ocurs, take with food.
2. Diabetic patients - Glucose tolerance may be increased , monitor urine sugar closely and report any abnormalities to physician
3.Notify physician if pregnancy is suspected or if any of the following occurs. Sudden severe headache , visual disturbances , numbness in an arm or leg.
4. May cause photosentivity. Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun and other ultraviolet light.
Pharmacology/ Pharmacokinetics:
Progestertin a principle of corpus luteum is the primry endogenous progestional substance. Progestins (progesterone and derivatives ) transform proliferative endometrium into seecretory endometrium. They inhibit (at usual dose range) or facilitate through positive feedback the secretion of pituitary gonadotropins which in turn prevents follicular maturation and ovulation or alternatively promotes it for the -primed - vehicle.
Absorption of oral tablets and parentral oily solutions of progestins is rapid, however the hormone undergoes prompt hepatic transformation.
Pregnancy and lactation:
Pregnancy- use is not recommended
Lactation- medoxyprogesterone does not adversely affect lactation and may increase milk production and duration of lactation if given the puerperium