Trace metals include- Copper, Chromiun, Iodine, Manganese, Molybdenum, Selenium, Zinc
Refer Copper
Trace Metal Symptoms of deficiency -
Copper -
leukopenia, neutropenia, anemia, decreased ceruloplasmin levels,
impaired transferrin formatin of secondary iron deficiency
skeletal abnormalities, defective tissue formation
impaired glucose tolerance, peripheral neuropathy,,ataxia, confusion
impaired thyroid function, goiter,cretinism
nausea, vomiting, weight loss, dermatitis, changes in growth and hair color
tachycardia, tachyapnea, headache, night blindeness, nausea, vomiting,
central scotomas, edema, lethargy, disoreintation, coma, hypermethioninemia,
hypouricewmia, hypouricuria, low urinary excretion of inorganic sulfate and
elevated urinary excretion of thiosulfate
muscle pain and tenderness, cardiomyopathy, Kwashiorkor, Keshan disease
diarrhea, apathy, depression, parakeratosis, hypogeusia, anorexia, dysomia,
geophagia, hypogonadism, slendomegaly, impaired wound healing
Do not give giver undiluted by direct injection into peripheral vein because of the potential for
infusion phlebitis, tissue irriation and poterntial toincrease renal loss, of minerals from a bolus
Renal failure or biliary tract obstruction-
Metals may accumulate. Serial determination of serum trace matal concentrations may be a
valuable guidance
Consider the possibility of copper and manganese retention in patients with biliary obstruction.
Ancilliary routes of manganese excretion include pancreatic secretions or reabsorption into lumen
of the duodenum, jejum,and ileum
Adjust , reduce or omit use in renal dysfunction or GI malfunction
Consider contributions from blood contributions
Frequently detremine plasma levels.
Wilsons disease-
Avoid administration of copper supplements to patients with this genetic disorder of copper metabolism
Decreased serum levels- administration of copper in the absence of zinc and of zinc inbsence of copper may cause decrease in plasma levels
Perform periodic plasmsa copper and zinc for subsequent administration
Copper decfiency- molybdenum promotes tissue copper mobilization and increases urinary copper excretion , excesive amounts produce a copper deficiency
Frequently check the metabolism of copper in patients receiving molybedenum.