Adverse Reaction:
Headache, back pain, asthenia, flu syndrome
Abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea,
dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting,
Peripheral edema, dizziness, nervousness, hypertonia,
Rhinitis, cough, pharryngitis, sinusitis, conjunctivitis,
Fatigue, lethargy, malaise, muscle cramps,
numbness and tingling of extremities
Anxiety, lightheadedness, drowsiness,
vertigo, insomnia,depression
Blurred vision, constipation, gastric irritation,
anorexia, orthostatic hypotension, chest pain,
Nocturia, priuritus, vasculitis,
impotence or reduced libido,
Rhinorrhea, flushing, hyperuricemia,
hyperglycemia,hyponatremia, hypochloremia,
Increase in serum urea nitrogen, glysosuria,
weight loss, dry mouth
Bradycardia, postural hypotension, leg pain, vertigo,
whezing,dyspnea, bronchospasm
Hypesenrivity ,
anuria, sinus bradycardia,
severe hepatic insufficiency,
heart block greater than first degree, cardiogenic shock, and overt cardiac failure.
Special precautions-
Should be used with caution in impaired renal andhepatic function,pregnancy and lactation
Indapamide may decrease serum PBI levels without signs of thyroid disturbance and hence its treatment should be discontinued before tests for parathyroid are performed.
Serum concentrations of glucose,uric acid, serum electrolytes should be monitored routinely during treatment with indapamide.
Atenlol should be used with caution in diabetic patients ifa beta-blocking agent is required.
Abrupt withdrawal of atenolol may cause angina pectoris and precipitate myocardial infarction.
Pharmacology/ Pharmacokinetics:
Indapmideis annoral antihypertensive/diuretic. The possible beneficial pharmacological effects of indapmide in the treatment of hypertension include a reduction in cardiac hypertrophy and thickening of arterial walls, a prevention of the accumulation of the embryonic form of fibronectin in the coronary vessels, free radical scavenging leading to stimulation of vasodilator elcosanoid formatiuon, and interaction with renal carbonic anhydrase.
Atenolol is beta 1 sewlective(cardioselective )adrenergic receptor -blocking agent without membrane stabilizing or intrinsic sympathomimmetic (partial agonist) activities. Atenolol works through an inhibitory process.
Rationale for combination-
The rational is two-fold.- It is expected that this approach will result in a reduction in the adverse effects associated with high dose monotherapy and an enhancement of the antihypertensive efficacy of the individual agents.
In addition, combination therapy may enhance patient compliance.