Adverse Reaction:
Sodium feredetate is generally safe to use as EDTA compounds are poorly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and do not undergo significant metabolic conversion.
They have a low degree of acute oral toxicity.
The overall findings indicate that EDTA -metal complexes lack significant genotoxic potential under conditions that do not deplete essential trace elements required for normal cell function.
Pharmacology/ Pharmacokinetics:
Human being poorly absorb ferric food (Fe3+) iron because it is precipitated from above pH 3.5 unless siutable compelling agents are present. the ironin the NaFeEDTA remians complexed with EDTA under the acidic conditions prevailing in the stomach The strength of the complex is progressively reduced as pH rises in the upper small intestine allowing a partial exchange with other metals and the release of some of the iron for absorption.
The results of absorption studies indicate that iron is dissociated from the EDTA moity prior to absorption. Transfer of iron from Fe EDTA to transferin and not the reverse. most of the iron in Na FeEDTA is released to the physiological mucosal uptake system before absorption.
Only a very small fraction of the NaFeEDTA complex (less than 1%) is absorbed intact and this is excreted in the urine and feces. Various studies in different population groups have concluded that- NaFeEDTA has high absorption rate in the human body.
It can be taken unobstrusively along food It is stable under adverse storage and cooking conditions It is highly bioavailable and is least affected by inhibitors of iron, absorption especially present in phytate rich Indian diets like rice and wheat. It possesses no risk of iron overload It exhibits minimal gastrointestinal disturbances
As Bio-availabilty of NaFeEDTA is high therefore less quantity is required It does not have the metallic taste like any other preparations It gives immediate rise in the hemoglobin level.