Tirofiban - Glycoprotein IIb inhibitr - Antiplatelet Agent- (Aug 2003)
Drug Name:
Tirofiban - Glycoprotein IIb inhibitr - Antiplatelet Agent- (Aug 2003)
List Of Brands:
Indication Type Description:
Drug Interaction:
Thrombolytics within last 48 hours, anticoagulants Other GP llP/lla inhibitors Light molecular weight Heparins, Ticlopidine, Clopidogrel, Adenosine, Dipyridamole, Dextrans, Sulphinpyrazone, Prostacyclin, Diazepam infusion
Prevention of early MI unstable angina or non- Q wave MI with last episode of chest pain within 12 hours and with ECG changes. To be used with aspirin and unfractionated heparin under specialist supervision
Patent Expiry Date of drugs (Ref - IDMA Publication)
Chemical Category Manufacturer/ US Patent
Ingredient- Marketer Expiration Date
Tirofiban Cardiovascular Merck 08-03-2012
Triofiban Cardiovascular Merck & Co 08-03-2011
New Drugs Approved by (DCI) Drug Controller GENERAL - India For Marketing
(Ref- IDMA Publication)
Name of Drug Indication Date of Approval
Tirofiban Hcl I.V. Anti-platelet 12-08-2003
Adverse Reaction:
Bleeding, GI postoperative , pulmonary, intracranial or retro-peritoneal bleeding, Haemopericardium, epidural haemotoma, epistaxis, gum bleeds, surface dermatorrhagia, Haematoria, bleeding from catheters sites, decrease in platelet counts, Nausea, fever,Headache, rash Severe allergic reactions
History of stroke,Haemorrhagic stroke or bleeding within last 30 days, Severe trauma, or major surgery within last 6 weeks, Thromocytopenia, platelet function disorders, clotting disorders Severe liver failure, Aneurism Pregnancy, lactation
Special Precautions-
Severe renal impairment, protracted cardiac -pulmonary resuscitation, organ biopsy or lithotripsy within last 2 weeks
Major surgery 6-12 weeks previously Active peptic ulcer within 3 months
Recent epidural procedure. Severe acute or chronic heart failure. Cardiogenic shock
Mild to moderate liver impairment. Anemia. Female elderly or low body weight patients Wihdraw immediately if patient requires thrombolytic therapy or coronary artery bypass graft Monitor blood counts after APTT before and during therapy
Monitor platelet within 1 hour if previously rrceived GPll/llb antagonists, risk of acute and severe thrombocytopaenia
Dosages/ Overdosage Etc:
Date of Approval 2003
Prevention of early MI unstable angina or non- Q wave MI with last episode of chest pain within 12 hours and with ECG changes.
To be used with aspirin and unfractionated heparin under specialist supervision
Initially 0.4 microgram/kg per minute by I.V. infusion for 30 minutes starting within 12 hours of the last anginal episode Then 0.1 microgram/kg minute by I.V. infusion for at least 48 hours Maximum treatment period 108 hours Children - not recommended
Pregnancy and lactation:
Pregnancy, lactation contraindicated