Erdosteine- Mucolytic-(FDC -List) (Feb 2006)
Drug Name:Erdosteine- Mucolytic-(FDC -List) (Feb 2006)
List Of Brands:
Indication Type Description:
Drug Interaction
Adverse Reaction
Dosages/ Overdosage Etc
Pharmacology/ Pharmacokinetics
Pregnancy and lactation
Drug Interaction:
There was no adverse events of any interaction between endosteine and theophylline in 20 patients
with chronic obstructive lung disease who received a single dose of slow release theophyllne 300mg
following administration of erdosteine 900mg/ orally for 14 days.
Relief of productive Cough
Acute exacerbations of chronic bronchitis
Adverse Reaction:
Headache, cold, dyspnoea
GI disorders
No serious events have been reported in clinical studies in patients with chronic bronchitis treated
with erdosteine at dosage of 600- 900 mg/day for up to 10-14 days.
The most frequent effects are
gastrointestinal in nature, which include epigastralgia, nausea and vomiting, loose stools,
spasmodic colitis.
Active peptic ulcer,
Severe renal or hepatic impairment
Special precautions-
Mild to moderate hepatic impairment
Dosages/ Overdosage Etc:
Relief of productive Cough
Acute exacerbations of chronic bronchitis
Adult- 1 cap twice daily for max 10 days
Patients below 18 years not recommended
Pharmacology/ Pharmacokinetics:
Erdosteine contains 2 blocked sulfhydryl groups which are freed after metabolic transformation in the
liver. The liberated sulfhydryl groups break the disulphide bonds, which hold the glycoprotein fibres
of mucous together, this makes the bronchial secretions more fluid and allows their rapid elimination.
The reducing potential of these sulfhydryl groups accounts for the free radical scavenging and
antioxidant properties of erdosteine
On oral administration shows a peak plasma concentration of 1.2 g/L ( following multiple -oral
administation of 900 mg in patients with chronic hyperscretory obstructive bronchitis. The time to peak
plasma concentration is 1.4hours.
Endosteine has an elimination half life of 1.4 hrs.
Pregnancy and lactation:
Contraindicated for use during pregnancy and lactation
Observe caution if use is required