Drug Interaction:
Probenecid ,aminoglycosides, vancuronium, methotrexate, oral anticoagulants,heparin, Disulfram -like reaction with alcohol, Nephrotoxicity with aminoglycosides and furosimide
Pneumonia Nosocomical infections Bacterial peritonitis Meningitis Urinary tract infections /uroseptics Surgical prophylaxis Skin & soft tissue infections Osteomyelitis
Adverse Reaction:
Local reactions at the site of injection like pain, in duration and tenderness Hypersensitivity reactions like rash Hematologic reactions like eosinophilia 6% thrombocytosis 5.1% and leucopenia 2.1% Elevations of SGOT 3.1% or SGPT 3.3% Headache or dizziness was reported occassionally < 1%
Hypersensitivity to cephalaosporins and beta lactum inhibitors
Special Precautions
Hepatic and renal insifficiency- Dosage adjustments of cetrixone is not required in patients with impaired hepatic or renal function, although plasma concentrations of cetriaxone shuld be monitored regularkly in pts with concomitant & hepatic dysfunction.
Pregnancy- The combination should be used in pregnancy only if clearly needed Nursing mothers- Low concentration of ceftriaxone are excreted in infants and children have been established for the dosages
Pedriatric use- Safety and effectiveness of ceftriaxone /tazobactone in infants and childrn have been established
Dosages/ Overdosage Etc:
Pneumonia Nosocomical infections Bacterial peritonitis Meningitis Urinary tract infections /uroseptics Surgical prophylaxis Skin & soft tissue infections Osteomyelitis
Adults- 1000/125mg once daily or in equallly divided doses twice a day total daily fdose should not exceed 4g of ceftriaxone Conitinue treatment for atleast 2 days after the signs and symptoms have resolved Usual duration 7 -14 days. Longer treatment may be needed for more serious infections
Pharmacology/ Pharmacokinetics:
Cefriaxone is a parentral third generation cephalosporin. It has generally remained highly active against most enterobacteraceae,staphyloccocci , streptococci, Haemophilius and Neisseriaceae.
Ceftriaxone is highly protein bound for once-daily administration.
Tazobactum is a beta-lactasmase inhibitor.structurally it is a triazolmethyl penicillanic acid sulfone derivative
Ceftriaxone binds reversibly to albumin & the level of binding decreases with increasing ceftriaxone plasma conc.
It distributes wdely in the body fluids and tissues. Tazobactum penetrates well into many types of body tissue and fluids. It is approx 30% bound to plasma.
Tazobactum metabolises to a single metabolite that lacks pharmacological and antibacterial activities.
The half-life of tazobactum increases approx by 18% in pts with hepatic cirrhosis compared to healthy subjects. Hoewever,the difference does not warrant any dosage adjustrment
Pregnancy and lactation:
The combination should be used in pregnancy only if claerly needed
Nusrsing mothers- Low concentration of ceftriaxone are excreted in infants and children have been established for the dosages
Pedriatric use- Safety and effectiveness of ceftriaxone /tazobactone in infants and childrn have been established for the dosages