Pegfilgrastim- Colony Stimulating Factors- Hematopoietic Agents
Drug Name:
Pegfilgrastim- Colony Stimulating Factors- Hematopoietic Agents
List Of Brands:
Indication Type Description:
Drug Interaction:
Antimetabolites Radiotherapy Thrombocytopaenic drugs Lithium Bone imaging results
Reduction in duration of neutropenia and incidence of febrile neutropenia dure to chemotherapy
Adverse Reaction:
Skeletal joint and muscle pain Inj. site pain Non-cardiac chest pain Headache Splenomegaly Splenic rupture Leucocytosis ARDS Anaphylaxis Angioedema Urticaria Reversible elevated uric acid Alkaline phosphatase and lactate dehydrogenase
Hypersensitivity to E.Coli derived products Secondary acute or chronic myeloid leukemia Myledysplastic syndrome Lactation Special precautions- Use undrer specialised supervision Acute leukemia patients receiving mylesuppresive chemotherapy High-dose chemotherapy Discontinue if signs of adult respiratory distress syndrome Monitor CBC and platelet count before and during thderapy for signs of splenic rupture Sickle cell disease Sepsis Moderate to severe organ impairment Pregnancy
Dosages/ Overdosage Etc:
Reduction in duration of neutropenia and incidence of febrile neutropenia dure to Chemotherapy
Single 6mg sc injection for each chemotherapy cycle given approx. 24 hours following chemotherapy Not recommended for patients belw 18 years
Pregnancy and lactation:
Use contraindicated. Observe caution