Sodium Iodide I 131 - Radiopharmaceuticals
Drug Name:
Sodium Iodide I 131 - Radiopharmaceuticals
List Of Brands:
Indication Type Description:
Diagnostic capsules
Adverse Reaction:
Diagnostic capsules - although rare, reactions associated with iodine containing
radio-pharmaceuticals for diagnostic use are-
in decreasing order of frequency
nausea, vomiting, chest pain, tachcardia, itching, rash and hives
Therapeutic capsules-
in decreasing order of frequency
nausea, vomiting, chest pain, tachycardia, itching, rash and hives. Depression of hemotopoitic system may occur large doses are employed.
Such side effects include radiation sickness, increase in clinical symptoms , bone marrow depression, acute leukemia, anemia . chromosomal abnormalites, thrombocytoma and death.
Vomiting and diarrhea represent contraindications to thre use of radioiodide.
Special Precautions/Warnings-
Radiographic contract media- theuptake of radioiodide wll be affected by recent intake of stable iodine in any form. Patient should be questioned carefully regarding previous medication and procedure involved in radiographic contrast media.
Expiration date- not later than 1 month after the calibration date. The calibration date and expiration date are stated on the container.
Sulfite sensitivity - some of the products may contain sodium bisulfite , silfite may cause allergic type reactions including anaphylactic reactions.
Pregnancy - sodium iodide diagnostic capsules should be given to pregnant women only if
Lactation- radioiodine is excreted in breast milk. Formula feedings should be substituted.
Children- safety and efficacy in pediatric patients have not been established
Dosages/ Overdosage Etc:
Diagnostic capsules
Suggested dosage-
Thyroid uptake - 0.185 to 555 megabacquerels ( 5 to 15 microcuries )
Scintiscaning - 1.85 to .7 megabecquaerels ( 50 to 100 microcuries )
Localization of extra-thyroidal metastates - 37 megabacquerels ( 1000 microcuries )
Waterproof gloves should be used during the entire handling and administration procedure
Patient should be measured by a suitable radioactivity calibration system immediately prior
to administration.
Pregnancy and lactation:
Pregnancy -
Sodium iodide diagnostic capsules should be given to pregnant women only if
Radioiodine is excreted in breast milk. Formula feedings should be substituted.
Safety and efficacy in pediatric patients have not been established