Arginine Hydrochloride - IN VIVO Diagnostic Aids
Drug Name:
Arginine Hydrochloride - IN VIVO Diagnostic Aids
List Of Brands:
Indication Type Description:
Diagnostic aid
Adverse Reaction:
Adverse reaction-
Allergic - allergic reaction manifested as macular rash with reddening and swelling of hands
which subsided rapidly after the infusion was terminated
Hematologic - rare -apparent decrease in platelet count from 150,000 to 60000
Miscellaneous - non speciific side effects (2% ) - nausea, vomiting, headache, flushing, numbness and local venous irritation
Highly allergic tenderness
Specific Precautions/Warnings-
Deficiency of pitutiary reserve for HGH - if the insulin hypoglycemia test has indicated a defeciency of pitutiatary reserve, a test with arginine hydrochloride is advisable to confirm
negative response.
Some patients who respond to arginine do not respond to insulin and vice versa
IV administration - arginine hcl should always be administered by IV because of hypersentivity.
Diagnostic aid - arginine hcl is a diagnostic aid and not intended for therapeutic use.
Excessive infusion rates- may result in local irritation, flushing, nausea or vomiting.
Chloride content - effect of infusing arginine into patients with electrolyte imbalance should
be evaluated before the test is undertaken
Growth hormone levels - the basal and post stimulation levels of growth hormone are elevated in patients who are taking oral contraceptives
Hypersensitivity - a suitable antihistamine drug should be available in the event of an allergic reaction occurs.
Renal function impairment - the effect of an acute amino acid or nitrogen burden upon patients with impairment of renal function should be considered when arginine hcl is administered
Pregnancy - should not be used during pregnancy
Lactation- caution should be excercised when arginine hcl is administered to breast feeding women.
Children - extreme caution must be excercised when infusing arginine hcl into pediatric
Dosages/ Overdosage Etc:
Diagnostic aid
Adults - 300ml 30g IV
children - 5ml ( 0.5mg ) per kg of body weight IV
Storage- Avoid excessive heat. store at 25C ( 77 F)
Pregnancy and lactation:
Pregnancy -
Should not be used during pregnancy
Caution should be excercised when arginine hcl is administered to breast feeding
Children - Extreme caution must be excercised when infusing arginine hcl into pediatric