Coccidiodin - IN VIVO Diagnostic Biologicals
Drug Name:
Coccidiodin - IN VIVO Diagnostic Biologicals
List Of Brands:
Indication Type Description:
Drug Interaction:
Drug interactions -summary-
+ Coccidiodin
reactivity to delayed hypersensitivity test may be suppressed in persons receiving
corticosteroids or immunosuppressive drugs or in persons recently immunized with
live vaccines eg measles, mumps , ribella, poliovirus
If delayed hypersenstivity is indicated perform it either preceding or simultaneous
with immunization or 4 to 6 weeks after immunization
Cimetidine -
cimetidine therapy may augument or enhance delayed hypersensitivity response
to skin test antigens. The affect may be mediated through cimetidine binding
suppressors T-lymphocytes
Coccidiomycosis diagnosis
Adverse Reaction:
Local - occasional patient may develop wheal reaction. Occasionally local reaction
may lead to vesiculation , local tissue necrosis and scar formation
Systemic - rarely develop great sensitivity reactions consisting of fever or erythema
Hypersensitivity to thimerosal
Special Precautions/ Warnings-
Immunodeficiency - persons receiving immunosuppressive therapy or with other
immunodeficiencies may have a diminished skin-test response
Dosages/ Overdosage Etc:
Coccidiomycosis diagnosis
Dosage -
inject 0.1ml of a 1:100 duilution intradermally on the flexor surface of the forearm.
Use waeaker 1:1000 or 1: 10,000 dilution if erythema nodosum is evident
Storage- Store at 2 to 8C ( 36 to 46F ) Discard if frozen. Product tolerate 14 days at
room temperature. Refrigerate dilutions and discard within 24 hours.