Histoplasmin - IN VIVO Diagnostic Biologicals
Drug Name:
Histoplasmin - IN VIVO Diagnostic Biologicals
List Of Brands:
Indication Type Description:
Drug Interaction:
Drug Interaction- summary -
+ Histoplasmin
cimetidine therapy may enhance or augument delayed hypersensitivity responses to
skin test antigens
Immunosuppressants , vaccine, virus
reactivity to any delayed hypersentivity test may be delayed in persons receiving
corticosteroids or any immunosuppresive drugs. Perform skin test preceeding or
simultaneously with immunization or 4 to 6 weeks after immunization
Histoplasmosis , diagnosis
Adverse Reaction:
Hypersensitivity - urticaria, shortness of breath, and excessive prespiration may occur.
Local - in highly sentive individuals , ulceration, or necrosis may occur.and may result in scarring. Cold packs or topical steroid can employed for symptomatic relief of the associated pain, pruritus and discomfort
Known histoplasmin positive reactions because of severity of reactions
Special Precautions/Warnings-
Local reactions - dose greater than recommended dose may produce severe erythema
Administration- inject intradermally only. A separate sterile syringe and needle should
be used for each individual patient
Serological studies - if serological studies are clinically indicated the blood sample should be preferably drawn prior to administering skin test.
If the sample is not obtained prior to skin testing it may be obtained within 48 to 96 hours
following skin test injection.
Hypersensitivity reactions- epinephrine should be immediately available in case an anaphyloid or acute hypersentivity occurs.
Pregnancy - histoplastin should be given to a pregnant women only if clearly needed
Lactation- no information regarding histoplasmin in breast feeding women available
Children - safety and effectiveness in pediatric patients have not been established.
Dosages/ Overdosage Etc:
Histoplasmosis , diagnosis
skin test is performed by injecting 0.1ml intradermally into the flexur surface of the forearm.
The site of injection is first cleansed with 70% alcohol and allowed to dry.
A tuberculin syringe one that has not been used for tuberculin is used
Pregnancy and lactation:
Pregnancy -
Histoplastin should be given to a pregnant women only if clearly needed
No information in breast feeding women available
Children -
Safety and effectiveness in pediatric patients have not been established.