Drug Interaction:
Drug Interactions- Summary
Bisphosponates - Alndronat, Etidronate, Risedronate -
concomittant intake of a bisphosphonate and calcium may decrease the absorption of
H2 receptor blockers - Cimetidine, Famotidine, Ranitidine -
concomittant use of H2 receptors blockers and calcium aspartate can cause decreased
absorption of these salts
Levoththyroxine -
concomittant intake of levothroxine and calcium aspartate reduce levothyroxine absorption
and to increase serum thyrotropin levels.
Levothyroxine may absorb calcium aspartate in an acidic environment whic may block
Proton pump inhibitors- Lanzoprazole, Omeprazole,Rabeprazole sodium-
concomittant use of proton pump inhibitors and calcium aspartate can cause decreased
absorption of these calcium salts.
Quinolones - Ciprofloxacin, Gatifloxacin, Levifloxacin, Lemofloxacin, Moxifloxacin,
Norfloxacin, Ofloxacin, Sparfloxacin, Trovafloxacin,
concomittant use of a quinolone and calcium aspartate may decrease the absorption
of the quinolones
Tetracyclines - Doxycycline -
concomittant intake decrease the absorption of Tretracycline.Tetracycline may form
non-absorbale complexes with calcium
Vitamin D analogs- Calcitrol, Alfacalcitrol-
concomitant use of these Vitamin D analogues and Calcium aspartate increased absorption of calcium
Adverse Reaction:
Generally well tolerated.
In some cases, may cause
constipation, bloating, gas, flatulence, abdominal pain,
thirst, polyuria, confusion and delirium.
Contraidicated in the following conditions-
Renal calculi, Hypercalcaemia, Hyperparathyroidism, Hypervitaminosis D
Cancer, Hypersensity to the drug or the ingredients
Special Precautions/Warnings-
Supplemental calcium without food may increase risk of kidney stone in women and also in men
Supplemental calcium without food limits the oppurtunity for the beneficial effects that
calcium have in binding oxalate in the intestine.
It is recommended that supplemental Calcium aspartate be taken with food
Those at risk of Calcium containing kidney stones are generally adviced not to take
supplemental calcium.
Those with achlorhydria should take Calcium aspartate with food
Dosages/ Overdosage Etc:
Bone fracture
Dosage -
Macrozorb 560mg tabs-
Adults and Children 12 years and over - one tablet twice daily or two tablets once daily.
The dosage can be increased up to two tablets three tablets a day
Macrozorb Forte 1120mg tablets-
Adults and Children 12 years and over - one tablet daily. The dosage can be increased
up to one tablet three times a day