Drug Interaction:
Drug interactions- summary-
Doxapram +
in patients who received general anesthersia utilizing a volatile agent, known to sensitize
doxapram .,delay administration of doxapram until the volatile agent has been excreted
administer cautiously to patients receiving these drugs because additive pressor can occur
Neuromuscular blocking agents-
doxapram may mask the residual efects of neuromuscular blocking agents
administer cautious to patients receiving these drugs becuase of additive effects.
Aminophylline /thophylline + Doxapram-
admmnister cautiously as increased skeletal muscle activity , agitation may occur
Drug induced CNS depression
Adverse Reaction:
Adverse reactions-
Cardiovascular- arrhyhthmias ( ventricular tachycardia, and ventricular fibrilation) chest pain,
lowered T -wave, tightness in chest, variations in heart rate
CNS - apphrensions, clonus, convulsions, disoreientation, dizziness, hallucinations,
headache, hyperacidity, involuntry movements,
GI - desire to defecate, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting,
GU - albuminuria, elevation of BUN, stimulation of urinary bladder, with spontaneous
voiding, urinary retention
Hematologic /lymphatic - decrease in hemoglobin, hemotocrit, or red blood count, has occurred
in postoperative patients
Respiratory - broncospasm, cough, dyspnea, hiccoughs, hyperventilation,laryngo spasm,
rebound hypoventilation, tachypnea
Miscellaneous- flushing, increased deep tendon reflexus muscle fistulization, muscle spasticity.
puplilary dilation, pyrexia, sweating
Hypersensitivity to the drug
Special Precaution-
Postanesthetic use - narcosis may occurafter simulation with doxapram , take care
to maintain close observation unitil the patient has been fully alert for 0.5 to 1 hour
COPD- do not use in conjunction with mechanical ventilation
Administration- avoid vascular extravasation or use of single injection site over an extended
Cardiovascular -monitor blood pressure , pulse rate, and deep tendon reflexes to prevent
Renal/hapatic function- administer with caution with significant renal or hepatic impairment
as reduction of metabolism or excretion of metabolites may alter response.
Pregnancy- use during prergnancy only when clearly needed
Lactation- excercisecaution when administering to a nursing mother.
Children- excercise caution when asministering to a nursing mother
Monitor- monitor blood pressure, pulse rate, and deep tendon reflexes to prevent
overdosage. Monitor for disturbances in cardiac rhythym
Dosages/ Overdosage Etc:
Drug induced CNS depression
Recom. dose Max dose per single inj Max total dose
mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg
by IV administration 0.5 to 1 1.5 1.5
Repeat injection- 0.5 to 1 1.5 2
Infusion- 0.5 to 1 4
0.5 to 1mg/kg
Maximum dose - 4mg/kg
Drug induced CNS depression-
Mild - single /repeat IV infusion intermittant IV infusion
Mild 1mg/kg 1mg/kg/hr
Moderate - 2mg/kg 2 to 3 mg.kg/hr
Patient Information:
CNS Stimulants - Analeptics include-
Caffeine citrate, Doxapram Hcl, Modanafinil, Armodafinil
1. Do not exceed the recommended dosage
2. Discontinue use if increased or abnormal heart rate, dizziness, or palpitations occur
3. If fatigue persists or recurs.consult physician
4. Not intended for use as a substitute for normal sleep.
Pregnancy and lactation:
Use during prergnancy only when clearly needed
Excercisecaution when administering to a nursing mother.
Excecise caution when asministering to a nursing mother