Rufinamide - @ - Anticonvulsants
Drug Name:Rufinamide - @ - Anticonvulsants
List Of Brands:
Indication Type Description:
Drug Interaction
Adverse Reaction
Dosages/ Overdosage Etc
Patient Information
Pregnancy and lactation
Drug Interaction:
Drug interactions- summary
Carbamazepine + Rufinamide/ Rufinamide + carbamazepine -
carbamazepine can decrease plasma of levels of rufinamide depending on carbamazepine
concentration, similarly runfinamide can decrease plasma levels of carbamazepine based on
maximum recommended dose of rufinamide.
Phenobarbital + rufinamide/ rufinamide + phenobarbital-
phenobarbital can decrease rufinamide plasma concentration with greater effects in children
Rufinamide can increase phenobarbital concentration in a concentration-dependent manner
especially in children
Phenytoin + rufinamide/ Rufinamide + phenytoin-
phenytoin can decrease plasma concentration with greater effects in children. Rufinamide
can increase phenytoin concentration in concentration- dependent manner especially
in children
Primidone + rufinamide -
primidon can decrease rufinamide concentration with greater effects in children
Valproate + rufinamide-
valproate can increase rufinamide concentration with greater effects in children
Rufinamide + contraceptives, hormonal-
rufinamide decreased Cmax and AUC of ethinyl norethindrone . Additional non hormonal
forms of contraception recommended
Rufinamide + lamotrigine -
rufinamide can decrease lamotrigine concentration in concentration- dependent manner
especialy in children
Rufinamide + triazolam -
rufinamide decreases Cmax and AUC
Adverse Reaction:
Adverse reactions-
CNS - aggresion 2% ataxia 3% disturbance in attention 2% dizziness 7%
fatigue 7% headache 15% psychomotor hyperactivity 2%
somnolence 15%
GI - abdominal pain 2% decreased appetite 4 % nausea 6% vomiting 16%
Dermatologic - prutitus 2% rash 3%
Respiratory - bronchitis 2% sinusitis 2%
Special senses- diplopia 2% ear infection 2% nasophryngitis 4%
Miscellaneous- influenza 4%
CNS - anxiety 2% ataxia 3% dizziness 18% fatigue 14% headache 25%
somnolence 10% tremor 5%
GI - constipation 3% dyspepsia 2% nausea 12% vomiting 4%
Special senses - diplopia 8% nystagmus 5% vision blurred 5%
Miscellaneous - back pain 2%
Patients with short QT syndrome
Special precautions-
Suicidal behaviuor and ideation- monitor patients treated with AED( anti-epiletic drug )
for any indication for emergence or worsening of depression
CNS reactions- use of rufinamide has been associated with CNS- related adverse reactions eg.
somnolence, or fatigue or cordinationabnormalites, dizziness, gait disturbances and ataxia
QT interval - use caution when admninstering rufinamide with other drugs that shorten
QT interval
Hypersensitivity reactions- all patients who develop a rash while taking rufinamide must be
closely supervised.
Pregnancy- use rufinamide during pregnancy only if the potential benefits justifies the potential
risk to the fetus,
Lactation- decide whether to discontinue breast feeding or the drug depending upon
the importance of drug to the mother,
Children- safety and effectiveness with children younger than 4 years have not been established
Elderly- use caution in drug selection , usually staring with a low dose
Monitoring- monitor patients for any indication of emergence or worsening of depression suicidal
thoughts or unusal changes in behaviour
Dosages/ Overdosage Etc:
Maximum dose -3200mg/day administered in 2 equally divided doses
Initial dose - 400 to 800mg administered in 2 equally divided doses a maximum daily
of 3200mg/day administered in 2 equally divided doses is reached
Seizures- 4 years of age and older-
initial dose approx 10mg/kg/ day administered in 2 equally divided doses.
Increase the dose by approximately 10mg/kg increments every other day to a target dose of
45mg/kg/day or 3200mg/day which ever is less , administered in 2 equally divided doses
Patient Information:
1.Inform patients , their caregivers and their families that AEDs increase the risk of suicidal
thought and behaviour and advice them of the need to be alert for the emergence of
worsening of signs and symptoms of depression
2. Report any abnormal behaviour to their doctor.
3. Inform patients to take rufinamide as prescribed by the doctor
4. Advice patients that all centrally acting medications , alcohol, in combination with
rufinamide may cause additive CNS effects
5. Advice patients about the potential for somnolence or dizziness and that patients should not
operate any hazardous machinery or drive until they have gained sufficient experience
on rufinamide and its effects
6. Warn woman of child bearing age that concurrent use of rufinamide and hormonal contraceptives
my render this method of contraception less effective . Additional forms of contraception are
7. Advice patients to notify their doctor if they are breast feeding or intend to breast feed.
8. Advice patients to inform their doctor if they develop rash or fever.
Pregnancy and lactation:
Use rufinamide during pregnancy only if the potential benefits justifies the potential
risk to the fetus,
Decide whether to discontinue breast feeding or the drug depending upon
the importance of drug to the mother,
Safety and effectiveness with children younger than 4 years have not been established
Use caution in drug selection , usually staring with a low dose