Dimethyl Sulfoxide - (DMSO) -@- Interstitial Cysitis Agents
Drug Name:
Dimethyl Sulfoxide - (DMSO) -@- Interstitial Cysitis Agents
List Of Brands:
Indication Type Description:
Intestitial cystitis
Adverse Reaction:
A garlic like taste may noted by the patient a few minutes within after instillation
of dimethyl sulfoxide . This taste may last several hours and because of the presence of
metabolites , an odor on the breath and skin may remain for 72 hours
Patient may may experience moderately severe discomfort on administration.Usually this
becomes less prominent with repeated administration.
Special precautions-
Changes in refractive index- changes in refractive index and lens opacities have been seen in
monkeys. dogs, and rabbits given at high doses of dimethyl sulfoxide
Since lens changes have been noted in animals, full eye evaluation , including slit lamp
examination are recommended prior to and periodically during treatment
Approximately every six months patients receiving dimethyl sulfoxide should have a biochemical
screening ,particularly liver and renal function tests and complete blood count.
Intravesical instillation of dimethyl sulfoxide may be harmful to patients with urinary malignancy
because dimethyl sulfoxide - induced vasodilation
Hypersensitivity reactions- dimethyl sulfoxide can intiate the liberation of histamine and occassional
hypersensitivity reactions have been noticed. If anaphylactoid reactions develop appropiate therapy
should be instituted
Pregnancy- should be used during pregnancy only if needed
Lactation- caution should be excercised when dimethyl sulfoxide is administered to a nursing
Children- safety and effectiveness in children have not been established
Dosages/ Overdosage Etc:
Intersitial cystis
Instillation of 50ml of dimethyl sulfoxide directly into bladder may be accomplished by catheter
or aseptic syringe and allowed to remain for 15 minutes
Application of analgesic lubricant gel such as lidocaine jelly to the urethera is suggested
prior to insertion of the catheter to avoid spasm. The medication is expelled by voiding
It is recommended that the treatment is repeated every two weeks until maximum symptomatic
relief is obtained
Administration of oral analgesic medication or suppositories containing belladonna and opium
prior to instillation of dimethyl sulfoxide can reduce bladder pain
Dimethyl sulfoxide should not be given IM or IV.
Patient Information:
1. Dimethyl sulfoxide will be instilled in the bladder on an impatient or out patient basis, which will
be determined by the physician
2. Tell your doctor about the drugs and dosage of all medications you are taking before
dimethyl sulfoxide instillation.
3. A garlic like taste may be noted by the patient within a few minutes after instillation of
dimethyl sulfoxide. This taste may last for several hours . An odor of the breath and skin
may be present and remain for upto 72 hours.
4. If you are pregnant , ask your physician about the feasibility of using dimethyl sulfoxide
5. Some eye changes have been observed in animals treated with dimethyl sulfoxide. Therefore
your doctor may want you to have eye evaluation, including slit lamp examination prior
to and periodically during treatment.
Pregnancy and lactation:
Should be used during pregnancy only if needed
Caution should be excercised when dimethyl sulfoxide is administered to a nursing
Safety and efectiveness in children have not been established