Leuprorelin - Hormones(Jan 1980)
Drug Name:
Leuprorelin - Hormones(Jan 1980)
List Of Brands:
Indication Type Description:
Patent Expiry Date of drugs (Ref - IDMA Publication)
Chemical Category Manufacturer/ US Patent
Ingredient- Marketer Expiration Date
Leuprolein Cancer/Oncology Takeda Chem Ind 13-01-2000
Dosages/ Overdosage Etc:
Adult- As depot preparations - 3.75mg every month given as a single IM/SC injection
or 11.25mg every 3 months as IM depot injection.
Initiate treatment during the 1st 5 days of menstrual cycle up to 6mths. May be used
with northindrone acetate 5mg daily for initial management of endometriosis and
for management ofrececurrence symptoms.
Duration of treatment should not exceed one additional 6 momth course.