Ziv-Alfibercept- Chemotherapy
Drug Name:
Ziv-Alfibercept- Chemotherapy
List Of Brands:
Indication Type Description:
Drug Name- Zaltrap
Active Ingredient - Ziv- Alfibertcept
For use in combination with a FOLFIRI (folinic acid/flurouracil/and Irinotectan)
chemotherapy regimen to treat adults with corectal cancer
Combination with a FOLFIRI (folinic acid/flurouracil/and Irinotectan)
chemotherapy regimen to treat adults with corectal cancer
Approved by FDA on 3-8--2012 (Ref- FDA Approved List- 2012)
Dosages/ Overdosage Etc:
Combination with a FOLFIRI (folinic acid/flurouracil/and Irinotectan)
chemotherapy regimen to treat adults with corectal cancer