Carglumic Acid - Carbagu- Nutriontional (Mar 2010)
Drug Name:
Carglumic Acid - Carbagu- Nutriontional (Mar 2010)
List Of Brands:
Indication Type Description:
Proprietary Name- Carbaglu
Established Name - Carglumic acid
Applicant- Orphan Europe
Indicated for Pediatric and adult patients as adjunctive therapy for the treatment
of acute Hyperammonemia due to Nags defeciency and as maintenance therapy
for chronic Hyperammonemia due to Nags defeciency
Approved by FDA on 18-3-2010 (Ref- FDA approved List- 2010)
Dosages/ Overdosage Etc:
Indicated for Pediatric and adult patients as adjunctive therapy for the treatment
of acute Hyperammonemia due to Nags defeciency and as maintenance therapy
for chronic Hyperammonemia due to Nags defeciency