Tetanus Immunoglobulin - Vaccine
Drug Name:
Tetanus Immunoglobulin - Vaccine
List Of Brands:
Indication Type Description:
Drug Interaction:
May reduce the efficacy of live vaccines
Passive Immunisationn against Tetanus
Adverse Reaction:
Injection site reactions
Pain, soreness, tenderness. Increased temperature,angioneurotic edema,
nephritic syndrome, anaphylactic shock
Caution when used in patients with coagulation disorders of thrombocytopenia
Not to be used for IV admin.
If absorbed tetanus vaccine is to be used concurrently
The vaccine and 1g should be administered with separate syringe
into different injection sites with separate lymphatic drainage
Patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes after administation
Dosages/ Overdosage Etc:
Passive Immunisationn against Tetanus
Prophylaxis 250uints- increased to 500iu if > 24hrs have elapsed or following
burns or there is a risk of heavy contamination.
150units/kg given by IM inj into multiple sites.
Prphylaxis 250uints increased to 500units if 24 have elapsed or following
burns or there is risk of heavy contamination
150units/kg given by IM into multiple sites
Pregnancy and lactation:
Excercise caution