Benperidol- Anti-psychotic drug- (BNF 68 -2015)
Drug Name:
Benperidol- Anti-psychotic drug- (BNF 68 -2015)
List Of Brands:
Indication Type Description:
Control of deviant antisocial sexual behaviour
Adverse Reaction:
Side effects-
Side effects caused by antipsychotic drugs are common and continue
significantly to non -adhereance of therapy
Antipsychotic drugs should be used with caution in patients with cardiovascular
disease. An ECG may be required particularly if physical examination identifies
cardiovasascular risk factors.
Antipsychotic drugs may be contra-indicated in comatose states,
CNS depression and phaemochromocytoma
Drowsiness may affect performance of skilled tasks(eg. driving or
operating machinary) especially at start of treatment, effects of alcohol
Hepatic impairment-
Can preciptate coma if used in hepatic impairment
Renal impairment-
Start with small doses of antipsychotic drugs in severe renal impairment
because of increased cerebral sensitivity
Dosages/ Overdosage Etc:
Control of deviant antisocial sexual behavour
0.25- 1.5mg daily in divided doses, adjusted according to response.
Elderly (or debilated ) initially half adult dose
Child- Not recommended
Pregnancy and lactation:
Extrapyramidal effects and withdrawal have been reported
occassional in neonateswhen anitpsychotic drugs are taken
during the third trimester of pregnancy
Breast feeding -
There is limited information on the short -long term effects of
antipsychotic drugs on the breat- fed infant