Drug Interaction:
Bicalutamide possibly enhances anticoagulant effect of coumarins
Advanced prostrate cancer
Patent Expiry Date of drugs (Ref - IDMA Publication)
Chemical Category Manufacturer/ US Patent
Ingredient- Marketer Expiration Date
Biclutamide Cancer/Oncology Astra-Zeneca 13-01-2004
New drugs approved For Marketing by Drug Controller General of India(DCGI )
during the period January 1988 to November 2014
(Ref- IDMA Annual Publication 2015)
Name of Drug Indication Date of Approval
1.Bicalutamide Anti-cancer 07-03- 2002
2.Bicaltamide tablet 150mg 05-01-2011
Addl. Stgth and indication
Indicated either alone or as adjunvant to radical prostratomy or
radiotherapy in patients with locally advanced prostrate cancer
at high risk of disease progression
Adverse Reaction:
Nausea, vomiting,diarrheoa, asthnia, gynaecomastia, breast tenderness,
Hot flushes,pruritus, dry skin, alopecia Hirsurism, decreased libido,impotence,weight gain,
Less commonly, hypersensitivity reactiuons, including angioneurotic oedema and urticaria, Intestitial lung disease
Rarely abdominal pain, Cardiovascular disorders (including angina, heart failure and arrhythmias) Depression, dyspepsia, haematuria,cholestatis jaundice, thrombocytopenia
Pregnancy Lactation
Dosages/ Overdosage Etc:
Advanced prostrate cancer
When used with gonadorelin analoge - Usual dose 50mg once daily
May be started with or at least 3 days before starting gonadorelin analogue therapy
Patient Information:
Contraindication- Females.Children.Pregnacy ana lactation. Concomittant use of terfenamide.stemizole or cisapride
Special Precautions-
Patients with history of or risk factors for QT prolongation,heart failure,frequent electrolyte abnormalities,alcohol abuse,,family history of risk factors for osteoporosis,diabetes, moderate to severe hepatic impairment.
Patient councelling-
Avoid excessive exposure to sunlight or UV light and utilise adequate sun protection(sun protection) eg. wear protective clothing, use of sunscreen)
Monitor- LFT at baseline and regularly during the 1st and 4th month of therapy, then peridically therfater, CBC , electrolyte,ECG
Pharmacology/ Pharmacokinetics:
Baculutamide is a racemic mixture it antandrogenic activity being almost exclusively exhibited by the r-enatomer and the B-enatiomer is essentially inactive.
The mode of action of the AAs results in theblockasde of the androgen receptors of the prostrate cells. Bicalutamide competes with androgen for the binding of the androgen receptors, consequently blocking the action of androgens and testicular origin which stimulates the growth of normal malignant tissue
Bicalutamide is well absorbed following oral admin although the absolute bioavailability is unknown. The S-(inactive) isomer is metabolised primarily by glucoronidation. The R(active) isomer also undergoes glucuronidation but is predominantly oxidised to an inactive metabolite glucuronides by glucoronidation .
Both the partent and metabolite glucoronides are eliminated in the urine and feaces. The S-enantiomer is rapidly cleared relative to the R-enantiomer, with the R-enatiomer accounting for 99% of total steady -state plasma levels. It has a half-lfe of 5-9 days.
Interaction with Food:
Take with or without food
Pregnancy and lactation:
Use contraindicated . Observe caution