Acenocoumarol - Anticoagulant
Drug Name:
Acenocoumarol - Anticoagulant
List Of Brands:
Indication Type Description:
Drug Interaction:
Potentiates hypoglycemic agents
Bismuth catbonate & Mg reduce absorption
Cimetidine , allopurinol , diuretics, and other oral antocoagulants enhance effect. Vit K reverses effect.
Potentiated by NSAIDs , amiodarone, antibacterial agents eg. co-trimoxazole, cephalosporin, eryhthromycn, quinolone antibiotics, chloramphenicol, doxycycline, INH and neomycin
Rifsampicin ,barbiturates and griseofluvin reverses effect.
Thromboembolic disorders
Adverse Reaction:
Alopecia,fever, nausea, vomting, diarrhoea, skin rash, cholestatic jaundice, Liver damage, Haemorrhage
Active hemorhage or risk of serious hemorrhage
Severe hypertension
Special precaution
Bleeding disorders, peptic ulcers, severe wounds,
Cerebral vascular disorders
Bacterial endocarditis
Renal or hepatic impairment
Lactation Avoid alcohol
Dosages/ Overdosage Etc:
Thromboembolic disorders
Adult- 4-12 mg on the ist day and 4-8mg on the second day
Maintenance - 1 -8mg daily given as a single dose at the same time every day
Patient Information:
Special Precaution-
Patient with severe heart failure, knon or suspected protein C or Vitamin K defeciency. Mild to moderate hepatic & renal impairment
Pregnancy and lactation:
Use caution when administering to pregnant and lactating mothers