Pimecrolimus - Immunomodulators- Topical - (July 2004)
Drug Name:
Pimecrolimus - Immunomodulators- Topical - (July 2004)
List Of Brands:
Indication Type Description:
Drug Interaction:
Vaccination topical steroids and other anti-inflammatories immunosuppressants alcohol intolerance
Mild to moderate atopic dermatitis
Sr.No- 217
Name of the Drug- Pimcrolimus 10mg/gm cream
Pharmacological Classification- For atopic dermitis
Date of Approval- 23-07-2004
Approved by U.S.FDA on 30-12-2004 (Ref- FDA approved List- 2004)
Adverse Reaction:
Application site reactions such as burning, irritation, pruritus, eryhema folliculitis, skin infections, cutaneous discoloration Nasopharyngitis, fever, cough, headache, Reports of malignancies Consider discontinuing if lymph adenopathy of unknown analogy or acute infections mononucleosis occurs
Congenital or acquired immunodeficiency or even immunosuppressive therapy genetic epidermal barrier defects malignant or pre-malignant lesions Pregnancy Lactation
Special Precautions-
Acne cutaneous viral , bacterial and fungal infections herpes simplex eczema herpeticum Nethertons syndrome infected dermatitis severely damaged skin such as erythroderma avoid eyes and mucous membranes minimise exposure to sunlight and UV exposure Occlusive dressings Consider discontinuing until worts clear if skin skin papiloma or are unresponsive Elderly
Dosages/ Overdosage Etc:
Mild to moderate atopic dermatitis
Apply thin layer twice daily rubbing in completely Avoid continuous long term treatment Consider other therapies if no response or improvement after 6 weeks
Pregnancy and lactation:
Use contraindicated. Observe caution