Drug Interaction:
Alcohol, CNS depressants, anticonvulsants,anticogulants Type i antiasrrhythmias, Antacids, narcotic analgesics, Anticholenergic , tricyclic antidepresants Antihiatamines, Phenothiazines, Carbamazepine Probenecid. Metoclopramide, Cloestyramine, Bisulphan Dicylomime - Antacids, CNS depressants, alcohol, anticholergics, narcotic analgesics. Type I arrhythmias, antihistamines, phenothizines, tricyclics
Spasmodic pains Ureteric , biliaary or ingtestinal colic Spasmodic dysmenorrhoea
Adverse Reaction:
Tolerance, dependence, rash, drowsiness, Lightheadeness, nausea, vomiting. Dyspepsia, drymouth, thirst, fatigue, Blurred vision,loss of appetite Headache, dysuria, Hepatic changes Abdominal pain Hepatotoxicity, respiratory depression (overdose only)
Risk of hepatotoxicity , among chronic heavy alcohol users
Sports events - restricted /banned
Cyclomine- Dry mouth, tyhirst, dizziness, Fatigue, drowsiness, blurred vision, nausea, headache, loss of appetite Nausea, headache, dysuria
Active alcoholism Gross hepatic damage Obstructive uropathy Obstructive disease of GI tract Paralytic ileus,Instestinal atony, Severe ulcerative colitis Myasthena gravis Sucidal tendencies, history of drug abuse, Afddiction prone persons Megacolon Lactation, Glaucoma. Unstable cardiovasscular status
Special precautions-
Pregnancy, Eldely and children. Impaired cardiac,renal or hepatic function. Respiratory depression, Autonomic neuropathy, cardiovascular disease, hypertension High doses, prolonged use, sucidal prone persons,
Organic cerabral changes.Prostatic hypertrophy, Hiatus hernia associsated with felux oesophagitis Concomittasnt admin of tranquillizers, antidepressants or excessive alcohol use Hyperthtroidism, Diarrhea, debilated
Dicylomime- Obstructive uropathy, Glaucoma, obstructive disease of GI tract. Paralytic ileus, intestinal atony, severe ulcerative colitis, myasthnia gravis Infants below 6 mths, Unstable cardiovsscular status. Toxic magacolon, lactation
Special precautions
Pregnancy, prostatic hypertrophy. Hiatus hernia, associated with reflux osephagitis, Impaired cardiac , renal hepatic function.
Autonomic neuropathy Cardovascular disease, hypertension, hyperthyroidism GI or GU obstruction Diarheoa, Elderly, debilitated
Dosages/ Overdosage Etc:
Spasmodic pains Ureteric , biliary or ingtestinal colic Spasmodic dysmenorrhoea
1 cap 2-3 times daily
Pharmacology/ Pharmacokinetics:
Pregnancy and lactation:
Contraindicated for use during pregnancy and lactation Use with caution if needed