Flurazepam - @ Benzodiazepines ( Hypnotic)
Drug Name:Flurazepam - @ Benzodiazepines ( Hypnotic)
List Of Brands:
Indication Type Description:
Drug Interaction
Adverse Reaction
Dosages/ Overdosage Etc
Patient Information
Pharmacology/ Pharmacokinetics
Interaction with Food
Pregnancy and lactation
Drug Interaction:
Benzodiazepine ( Hypnotic ) include- Estozolam, Flurazepam, Quazepam, Triazolam
Refer - Flurazepam
Interacting drugs -summary
Benzodiazepine ( Hypnotic )
Alcohol /CNS depressants
additive CNS depression effects. Potential for this interaction
continues for several days following flurazepam withdrawal
Cimetidine / Contraceptives oral/ Disulfram / Isoniazid
the hepatic metabolism of benzodiapines may be inhibited
their half -life prolonged and their clearance decreased
possibly resulting in increased pharmacologic and CNS
depressant effects.
more rapid onset or more prolonged benzodiazepine effect
increased clearance and decreased half-life of benzodiazepine
occur. Temazepam would probably not interact
benzodiazepines clearance is increased in cigerrete smokers
probably due to enzyme induction
benzodiazepine pharmacologic effects may be antagonised
Macrolides + Tiazolam
bioavailabilty of triazolam may be increased
Benzodiazepine + Digoxin
digoxin serum levels and toxicity may increase
Benzodiaz + Neuromuscular blocking agents ( non depolarizing )
benzodiazepine may potentiate , counteract, or have no effect
on these agents
Benzodiazepine + Phenytoin
phenytoin serum levels may be increased, resulting in toxocity,
Insomnia Anxiety
Adverse Reaction:
somnolence (42% ) asthnia ( 11% ) hypokinesia ( 8% ) hangover ( 3%)
abnormal thinking ( 2% ) anxiety ( 1% ) agitation, amnesia, apathy, emotional lability, hostility, seizures, sleep disorder, stupor, twitch ( 0.1 to 1% )
ataxia, decreased libido, decreased refluexes, neuritis ( < 1% )
arrhythmia, syncope ( < .0.1% )
Dermatologic -
urticaria ( 0.1 to 1% ) acne, dry skin, photosentivity ( < 0.1 % )
Respiratory -
cold symptoms ( 3% ) pharyngitis ( 1% ) asthma, cough, dyspnea, rhinitis, sinusitis ( 0.1 to 1% ) epistaxis.hyperventilation , laryngitis ( 0.1% )
Special senses-
ear pain, eye irritation/pain, swelling, photophobia, ( 0.1 to 1%)
decreased hearing, diplopia, nyastagmus, scotoma ( < 0.1 % )
GU -
frequent urination, menstrual cramps, urinary hesitancy/urgency ,
vaginal discharge/itching ( 0.1 to 1% )
hematuria, nocturia, oliguria, penile discharge, urinary incontinence ( < 0.1% )
lower extremity /back/abdominal pain ( 1 to 3% ) stiffness ( 1% )
allergic reaction, chills, fever, neck/upper extremity pain, thrist, arthritis,
muscle spasm, myalgia ( 0.1 to 1% ) edema, jaw pain,
swollen breast, thyroid nodule, purpura, swollen lymph nodes,
agranulocytosis, increased AST , weight gain/loss, arthalgia ( < 0.1 % )
Hypersensitivity to other benzodiazepines, pregnancy, established or suspected sleep apnea ( quazepam)
Triazolam -
Anterograde amnesia - of varying severity and paradoxical reactions has occured following therapeutic doses of triazolam. Although this effect generally occured with a dose of 0.5mg it has also been reported with 0.125 and -.25mg doses some other benzodiazepines., but data suggest that it may occur at higher rate of triazolam
Renal/hepatic function impairment- observe usual cautions under these conditions
Abnormal liver function tests as well as blood dyscrasis have been reported with benzodiazepines
Elderly- risk of developing oversedation, dizziness, confusion, or ataxia increase substantially with larger doses of benzodiazepines in eldrly and debilitated patients.
Initiate with a lowest effective dose.
Pregnancy - ( estozolam, quazepam temezepam, triazolam ) flurazepam is contraindicated in pregnancy
Lactation- safety for use in nursing mothers has not been established. Therfore admin to nursing mothers not recommended
Children- Flurazepam - not for use in children < 15 years of age
Estozolam, quazepam, temazepam, triazolam - not for use in children < 18 years of age
Monitoring- when triazolam or estrzolam treatment is protracted obtain periodic blood counts , urinalysis, and blood vchmistry analysis.
Depression- administer with caution in severely depressed patients or in those in whom is evidence or suicidal tendencies
Signs and symtpoms of depression may be intensified with hypnotic drugs
Protective measures may be reqd.
Intentional overdosage is more common in these patients , and the least amount of drugs
that is feasible should be available to patient at any one time.
Rebound sleep disorder - characterised by recurrence of insomnia following abrupt withdrawal usually during the first 1 to 3 nights
Gradual rather than abrupt discontinuation of the drug may help avoid this syndrome
Disturbed nocturnal sleep - may occur fr the first or second night after discontinuing use
Early morning insomnia- oe early morning awakening appears more common with the
use of short half-life agents-( temazepam, triazolam,) rather than intermediate or long half lives ( estazolam,flurazepam, quazepam )
Respiratory depression and sleep apnea- observe caution in patients with compromised respiratory function, respiratory depression and sleep apnea have occured
Estozolam may cause dose -related respiratory depressionthat is not ordinarily clinically relevent at recommended doses in patients with normal respiratory function
Drug abuse and dependence- withdrawal symptoms following discontinuation of benzodiazepines have occured in patients receiving excessive doses over extended periods of time.
Hazardous tasks- observe caution while driving or performing tasks requiring alertness. beware of potential impairment of performance of such activities following ingestion
Dosages/ Overdosage Etc:
Anxiety, Insomnia
Adults- 30mg before bed time. In some cases 15mg may suffice.
Patient Information:
Benzodiazepine ( Hypnotic ) include- Estozolam, Flurazepam, Quazepam, Triazolam
Refer - Flurazepam
1. Avoid alcohol and other CNS depressants. Do not exceed the prescribed dose
2. Do not discontinue medication abruptly after prolonged therapy
3. Advise patients that they may experience disturbed nocturnal sleep for the first or second night after discontinuing the drug
4. May cause drowsiness or dizziness, observe cation while driving or performing other tasks requiring alertness.
5. Inform your physician if you are planning to become pregnant, if you pregnant, or if you become pregnant while taking this medicine
6. Troazolam- advice patients not to take triazolam in circumstances where a full nights sleep and clearance of the drug from the body are not possible before they would again need to be active and functional
Pharmacology/ Pharmacokinetics:
Ref- Drug Facts And Comparisons(2010)
Benzodiazepine ( Hypnotic ) include- Estozolam, Flurazepam, Quazepam, Triazolam, Temazepam
Refer - Flurazepam
Short Half life agents - Temazepam, Triazolam
Intermediate or long half life agents - Esazolam, Flurazepam, Quazepam
Estozolam, flurazepam, quazepam, temazepam and triazolam are benzodizepine derivatives useful as hynotics. Benzodizepines are believed to potentiate gamma aminobutyric acid GABA neuronal inhibition. The sedative and anticonvulsant actions involve GABA receptors located in limbic,neocortical and mesencephalic reticular systems
These agents are rapidly absorbed within 1 to 3 hours after oral admin. Times to peak plasma conc,range from 0.5 to 6 hours Triazolam peak plasma conc, occurs within 1 hour, temazepam is slower. The major active metabolite reaches peak plasma conc. in 1 to 3 hours. Benzodiazepines are extensively metabolised in the liver
Nonbarbiturate Sedative/ Hypnotics Pharmacokinetic Parameters
Adult dose Onset Duration of Half-life Protein Urinary
Hypnotic Sedative min Action-hrs hrs binding excretn
% %
10mg na na nd ~2.5 92.5 0
nd 250-500mg nd nd nd nd nd
bid or tid
Tertiary Acetylenic Alcohols
500mg 100-200mg 15-60 5 10-20 nd 40
bid or tid
Piperidine Derivative
250-500mg nd 30 4-8 10-12 50 <2
1-2mg na nd nd 10-24 93 <5
15-30mg na 17 7-8 50-100 97 <1
15mg na nd nd 24-41 >95 trace
15-30mg na nd nd 1-17 98 1.5
0.125-0.5mg na nd nd 1.5-5.5 90 2
Miscellaneous non barbiturates
Chloral hydrate
0.5- 1g 250mg tid 30 nd 7-10 35-41 nd
10-30ml 5-10ml 10-15 8-12 3.4- 9.8 nd small
nd 10-20mg nd nd nd nd nd
Na- not applicable No data
Select Benzodiazepine (Hynotic) Pharmacokinetic Parameters
Usual adult Time to peak Half-life Protein Urinary excrtn
oral dose plasma level hrs binding unchanged
mg hrs % %
1.2 2 8.28 93 <5
15-30 0.5-1 2-3 97 <1
(7.6- 13.6) (47-100)
7.5- 15 2 41 >95 trace
(1-2) (47-100)
15-30 1.2-1.6 3.5 -18.4 96 0.2
0.125-0.5 1-2 1.5 -5.5 78-89 2
Interaction with Food:
Not available.
Pregnancy and lactation:
Pregnancy -
( estozolam, quazepam temezepam, triazolam ) flurazepam is contraindicated in pregnancy
Safety for use in nursing mothers has not been established. Therfore admin to nursing mothers is not recommended