Rotigotine- (BNF-Mar 2015)
Drug Name:
Rotigotine- (BNF-Mar 2015)
List Of Brands:
Indication Type Description:
Indication- Parkinson's disease either used alone or as adjunct to co-beneldopa , moferate to severe restless syndrome
Adverse Reaction:
Side effects-
nausea, vomitting, dyspepsia, abdominal pain dyspepsia, dyspnoea, rhinitis, hallucinnations, dyskiniea, drowsiness, including sudden onset of sleep),diplopea, also reorted constipation, diarrheoa, hiccups, tachycardia, atrial premature contractions, palpitations, hypotension, syncope, Raymunds phenomena, compulsive behavoiur, ,insonia, confusion, dizziness, fever, erythrmelagia and rash
Dosages/ Overdosage Etc:
Cautions- opthalmic testing recommended, avoid exposure of patch to heat, withdraw gradually
Hepatic information- caution in severe impairment, - no information available
Breast feeding- may suppress laction, avoid - present in milk in animal studies
Dose- monotherapy- in Parkinson's disease, , initially apply 2mg/24 hours patch, increased in steps of 2mg/24 hours at weekly intervals, if required.
Max 8mg/24 hours
Adjunctive therapy with levodopa in Parkinson disease, initially apply 4mg/24 hours n steps of 2mg /24 hours at weekly intervals if required, max 16mg/24 hours
Resless leg syndrome, initially apply 1mg/24 hours patch increased in steps of 1mg/24 hours at weekly intervals if requied. Max 1mg/24 hours
Brand- Pergolide (non- properiety)
Note- Apply patch to dry non-irrited skin on torso, thigh, or upper arms removing after 24 hiurs and siting replacement patch on a different ares( avoid using the same area for 14 days)