Penfluridol- Antipschotic agents
Drug Name:
Penfluridol- Antipschotic agents
List Of Brands:
Indication Type Description:
Drug Interaction:
Akathisia and dystonia with alcohol. Antacids decrease absorption.
Additive antimuscarinic activity with tricylic antidepressants.
Additive CNS depression with other CNS antidepressants sedatives, hypnotics,antihisatmines, opiatesand alcohol). Orthostatic hypotension,with MAOIs.
Reverses antihypertensive effect of gaunithidine,methyldopa and clonidine.
Adverse Reaction:
Blood dyscrasias,neuroleptic malignant syndrome. Supersentivity, psychosis (apparent intolerance), Lower threshold for seizures,
Blurring of vision, dry mouth, retension of urine, Constipation, Ortostatic hypotension, Weight gain,impaired glucose tolerance,
Allergic skin,rashes, Chloestatic jaundice. Granular deposits in cornea, lens, elevated CSF proteins.
Hypersens to diphenylbutylpiperidine. Preexisting CNS depression or coma
Special precautions:
Pregnancy and lactation, elderly, preexiting cardiac conduction problems. hypokalemia, hypomagnesiumia hypothyroidism
Dosages/ Overdosage Etc:
Adult - 20 -60 mg wkly, increased upto 250mg once a week in severe resistent conditions
Interaction with Food:
Repors Not available.
Pregnancy and lactation:
Contraindicated for use during pregnancy and lactation Observe caution if required to be used