Fluphenazine - @ Phenothiazines - Antiemetics
Drug Name:
Fluphenazine - @ Phenothiazines - Antiemetics
List Of Brands:
Indication Type Description:
Pharmacology/ Pharmacokinetics
Drug Interaction:
Additive CNS depressant effects with alcohol,barbiturates,sedatives,opiates and antihistamine Reverses anti-hypertensive effect of guanethidine,methyl dopa and clonidine. Lithium toxicity. Reduced bioavailabilty with antacids.
Treatment of nervous ,emotional and mental disorders.
Antipsychotic agents group - Include- Chlorpromazine, Promazine, Thioflupromazine,Mesoridazine, Thioridazine ,Acetophenazine Perphenazine,Prochlorperazine, Fluphenazine, Trifluoperazine, Chlorprothixene, Thiothixene Haloperidol,Pimozide,Molindone,Loxapine,Clozapine ,Olanzapine,Quetiapine , Ziprasidone, Paliperidone, Risperidone, Aripiprazole
Refer Chlorpromazine
Adverse Reaction:
Agranulocytosis,malignant neuroleptic syndrome Tardive dyskinesia,apparent tolerance, Sedation, mental confusion, dystonia, Hyperprolactinemia leading to galactorrhoea and amenorrhoea in women. Loss of libido, impotence and sterilty in males,
Allergic reactions, cholestatic jaundice, Corneal and lens deposits and skin pigmentation.
Hypersensitivity to the drug.presence of suspected orestablished sub-cortical brain damage.Comatose or severel ydepressed states.blood dysrasias,liver disease.
Special precautions:
Caution in presence of convulsive disorders cardiovascular diseases & pheochromocytoma, Pregnancy, children.
Dosages/ Overdosage Etc:
Treatment of nervous ,emotional and mental disorders.
Individualise dosage. Oral dose is approximately 2 to 3 times the parentral dose. Therapeutic effects acheived with dose less than 20mg/day. Daily doaes upto 40mg/day may be required in some cases.
Patient Information:
Antipsychotic agents group - Include- Chlorpromazine, Promazine, Thioflupromazine,Mesoridazine, Thioridazine ,Acetophenazine Perphenazine,Prochlorperazine, Fluphenazine, Trifluoperazine, Chlorprothixene, Thiothixene Haloperidol,Pimozide,Molindone,Loxapine,Clozapine ,Olanzapine,Quetiapine , Ziprasidone, Paliperidone, Risperidone, Aripiprazole
Refer Chlorpromazine
Pharmacology/ Pharmacokinetics:
Refer Chlopromazine
Interaction with Food:
Reports not available.
Pregnancy and lactation:
Pregnancy: Although studies have not been done in pregnant woman,some side effects such as jaundice and muscle tremors and other movement disorders have occured in new borns whose mothers received the drug close to the time of delivery. Lactation: The drug is known to pass into the breast milk and cause drowsiness and unusual muscle movement in the nursing baby.