Drug Interaction:
Interacting drugs- summary
+ Oxyphenbutazone
Penicillamine incr these drugs should not be used in patients who are concurrently receiving penicillamine
These drugs are associated with similar serious hematologic and renal reactions.
Enhances activity of oral anticoagulants, hydantoins and oral hypoglycaemic agents Inhibits clearance of methotrexate and displaces it from plasma protein.Hence should be used concomittantly.
Reduces antihypertensive effect of bethanidine, debrisoquine and diuretics. Raises levels of phenytoin.
Rheumatoid arthritis.
Adverse Reaction:
Blood dyscrasias(agranulocytosis,thrombocytopenia), peptic ulceration, bleeding and haemorrhage.
Pulmonary oedema and cardiac failure. Idiosyncratic reactions (rare, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, acute hepatocellular disease, intestitial nephritis).
G.I.disturbances, G.I.bleeding, ulcer,stomatitis, sodium and fluid retension,rash,blood dysrasias(rare), hepatitis.
Exacerbation of asthma. Parotoid swelling.
Blood dyscrasias,peptic ulcer,severe hepatic/renal impairment,hypersens.
Special precautions:
CVS Diseases, thyroid disease, hypertension, hepatic/renal dysfunction.
Dosages/ Overdosage Etc:
Acute gouty arthritis,rheumatoid arthritis.
Take with food or milk. 300 to 600 mg divided into 3 or 4 doses.
Maximum therapeutic response acheived total daily dose of 400 mg.
Interaction with Food:
Take with food or milk.