Adverse Reaction:
Hypotension, nausea, vomiting, dry mouth, stomach pain.
Somnolence, dizziness, confusion, anxiety, euphoria.
Floating feeling, nervousness, parathesia,
abnormal dreams, agitation. Sweating.
Pharmacology/ Pharmacokinetics:
Ref- Drug Facts And Comparisons(2010)
Butrophanol is a potent analgesic with both narcotic agonist and antagonist effects. The exact mechanism of action is inknown. Narcotic anatgonist analgesics may exert analgesic effect via the CNS mechanism.
Butrophanol is extensively metabolised in the liver,the major metabolite being hydroxybutorphanl.
The elimination half-life of hydroxybutorphanol may be greater than the parent compound.
Elimination occurs in urine(about 80%) and feces( about 15%).
Mean pharmacokinetics Parameters of Butorphanol IV
in Younger and Elderly Subjects
Parameters Younger Elderly
AUC (inf) 7.24 (1.57) 8.71(2.02)
ng*h/mL (4.4 to 9.77) 4.76 to 13.03)
Half-life(h) 4.56 (1.67) 5.61(1.36)
(2.06 to 8.7) 3.25 to 8.79
Volume of 487(155) 552(124)
distribution(L) (305 to 901) (305 to 737)
Total body 99 (23) 82(21)
clearance (L/h) (70 to 154) (52 to 143)
Younger subjects (n=24) are from 20 to 40 years
Elderly subjects (n=24) are greater than 65 years of age
AUC area under the curve after 1mg dose
Mean pharmacokinetic Parameters of Butorphenol
in Younger and Elderly subjects
Parameters IV Nasal
Younger Elderly Younger Elderly
t max(h) - - 0.62(0.32) 1.03(0.74)
(0.15 to 1.5) (0.25 to 3)
Cmax - - 1.04 (0.4) 0.9 (0.57)
(0.35 to1.97) 0.1 to 2.68)
AUC (inf) 7.24 (1.57) 8.71(2.02) 4.93(1.24) 5.24 (2.27)
(ng*h/mL) (4.4 to 9.77) 4.76 to13.03) (2.16 to 7.27) (0.3 to 10.34)
Half-life(h) 4.56 (1.67) 5.61(1.36) 4.74 (1.57) 6.56 (1.51)
(2.06 to 8.7) (3.25 to 8.79) (2.89 to 8.79) (3.75 to 9.17)
Absolute - - 69(16) 61(25)
bioavail (44 to 113) (3 to 121)
ability (%)
Volume of 487(155) 552 - -
distribution (305 to 901) (305 to 737)
Total body 99(23) 82(21) - -
clearance (70 to 154) (52 to 143)
Younger subjects (n=24) are from 20 to 40 years old
Elderly subjects (n-24) are greater than 65 years of age
Peak plasma concentration normalized to 1mg dose
Area under te plasma concentration curve after 1mg dose
( range obsrved values)