Drug Interaction:
Miotics - direct acting include-
Acetyl choline, Carbachol, Pilocarpine
Refer - Acetylcholine
NSAIDs -topical - althouh studies with acetyl choline chloride or carbachol revealed interference and there is no known pharmacological basis for an interaction, there have been reports that both these drugs have been ineffective when used in patients with topical NSAIDs agents
Miotics - direct acting include-
Acetyl choline, Carbachol, Pilocarpine
Refer - Acetylcholine
Acetyl cholne chloride Miosis - to induce misosis during surgery
Adverse Reaction:
Acetyl choline - Opthalmic- corneal edema ,. clouding, decompensation
Systemic - bradycardia, hypotension, flushing, breathing difficulties, seating Carbachol-
Opthalmic - transcient stinging and burning, corneal clouding, persistent bullous keratopathy, post operative iritis following cataract extration with intraocular use, retinal detachment, transcient ciliary and conjuntival injection, ciliary spasm with resultant temorary decrease of visual acuity
Systemic - headache, salivation, GI cramps, vomiting, duarrhea, asthma, syncope, cardiac arrhyhtmias, flushing, sweating, epigastric distress, tightness in bladder, hpotension, frequent urge to urinate
Pilocarpine- Opthalmic- transcient stinging and burning, tearing, ciliary spasm ,conjuntival vascular congestion, temporal, peri- or supra -orbital headache, superficial keratitis, induced myopia ( espicially in younger individuals who have started admin.) blurred vision, poor dark adaptation, reduced poor acuity in poor illumination in older individuals, with lens opacity
Systemic- hypetension, tachcardia, bronchiolar spasm, pulmonary edema, salivation, sweating, nausea, vomitng diarrhea ( rare )
Hypersensity to any of the components of the formulation, where constriction is undesirable ( eg acute iritis, acute or anterior uveitis, some form of secondary glaucoma )
Corneal abaration- use carbachil with caution in the presence of corneal abaration to avoid excessive penetration
Safety for use during pregnancy not been establlished, use only when clearly needed.
Excecise caution when administering to a nursing woman
Safety and efficacy for use in children have not been established
Systemic reactions- caution is adviced in patients with acute cardiac failure, bronchial asthma, peptic ulcer, hyperthyroidism, GI spasm, urinary tract obstruction, Parkinsons disease, recent MI hypertension or hypotension
Retinal detachment- has been caused by miotics in susceptible individuals with pre-exiting retinal disease or in those who are predisposed to retinal tears,
Fundus examination is advised for all patients prior to initiation of therapy Miosis - usually causes difficulty in dark adaptation,
Advice patients to use caution while night driving or performing tasks in poor light.
Angle- closure- Miotics can occassionally precipitate angle closure by increasing resistence to aqueous flow from posterior to anterior chamber
Dosages/ Overdosage Etc:
Miosis - to induce misosis during surgery
Dosage: Instil the solution into the anterior chamber before or after securing one or more sutures. The pupil is rapidly constricted and the peripheral iris is drawn away from the angle of the anterior chamber if there are no mechanical hinderances. Any anatomical hinderance to miosis may require surgery to permit desired effect of the drug.
Patient Information:
Miotics - direct acting include-
Acetyl choline, Carbachol, Pilocarpine
Refer - Acetylcholine
1. May sting upon instillation, espicially first few drops
2. May cause headache, browache, and decreased night vision. Use caution while night driving or peforming hazardous tasks in poorlight.
3.To avoid contamination, do not touch tip of container to any surface. Replace cap after using. Keep bottle tightly closed when not in use, Discard solution after expiration
Pregnancy and lactation:
Safety for use during pregnancy not been establlished, use only when clearly needed.
Excecise caution when administering to a nursing woman
Safety and efficacy for use in children have not been established