Extract cepae 0.1g, Heparin sod 50iu, Allantoin 0.01g /g gel,
Strength | Rate | Packing Style |
0.1g +50iu+0.01g/g | 852.00 | 20g gel |
List of Related Indications:
- Burns & scalds
- Disfiguring scars after operation
- Hypertrophic lichen planus
List Of Drugs:
- Heparin - @ LMW Heparin - Anticoagulant- (FDC- List )- (Mar 2002)
Indication Type Description:
Drug Interaction
Adverse Reaction
Dosages/ Overdosage Etc
Other Information
Patient Information
Pharmacology/ Pharmacokinetics
Pregnancy and lactation
Drug Interaction:
Low molecular Weight Heparins-
Tinazeparin, Dalteparin, Emoxaparin
Refer - LMW - Heparin
Interacting drugs - summary
Cephalosporin + Heparin additive effect of heparin -increased risk of bleeding
Nitroglycerin + Heparin decreased pharmcol. effect of heparin
Penicillins + Heparin additive effect - increased risk of bleedding
Salicylates + Heparin increased risk of bleeding
Platletet inhibitors with Heparin eg. ibuprofen, indomethicin, hydroxychloroquinine NSAIDs ,ticloodine,phenylbutazone, aspirin, dextran increased risk of bleeding
Digitalis, tetracyline, nicotine, antihistamines with Heparin counteract anticoagulant effect of heparin
Streptokinase + Heparin decreased anticoagulant effect
Cephalosporin with
Heparin several parentral cephalosporins have caused coagulopathies,
this might be additive with heparin, possibly increasing the risk of bleeding
Nitroglycerin with
Heparin the pharmacologic effects of heparin may be decreased, although
the information on the interaction is conflicting
Penicillins with
Heparin parentral penicillins can produce alterations in platelet aggregation
and coagulation tests. These effects might be additive with heparin possibly increasing the risk of bleeding
Digitalis, tetracyline,nicotine,antihistamines with
Heparin may partialy counteract anticoagulant action of heparin sodium
Streptokinase +
Heparin relative resistence to heparin anticoagulation following admin. of
streptokinase as a systemic throbolytic agent may occur
Thembosis/ embolism
Deep vein thrombosis
Low molecular Weight Heparins-
Tinazeparin, Dalteparin, Emoxaparin
Refer - LMW - Heparin
Adverse Reaction:
is the chief complication < 10% Local- avoid IM use. local irritation ,ertythema, mild pain, hematoria or ulceration may follow deep SC use, but more common with IM use.
Most common- chills, fever, urticaria. Rare- asthma, rhinitis, lacrimation, headache, nausea, vomiting, shock, anaphyloid reactions, Allergic vasospastic reactions with painful, ischemic cyanotic limbs may develop 6 to 10 days after starting therapy and last 4 to 6 hrs .
Whether these are identical to thrombocytopenia - associated complications is undetermined
Hypersentivity to heparin,
severe thrombocytopenia, uncontrolled bleeding ( except when it is due to DIC), any patient from whom suitable blood coagulation tests cannot be performed at the apropiate intervals ( there is usually no need to monitor coagulation parameters in patients receiving low dose
IM admin should be avoided
Haemorrhage can occur at any site in patients receiving heparin.
Adrenal hemorrhage resulting in acute adrenal insufficiency has occured. Discontinue therapy.
Ovarian ( corpus luteum ) hemorrhage developed in number of women of reproductive age
receiving antocoagulants. It unrecognized this may be fatal
Germinal matrix -intraventricular haemorrhage occurs fourfold higher in low-birth weight infants
receiving heparin thearpy.
Use heparin with extreme caution in disease states in which there is increased danger of
haemorrhage. These include-
Cardiovascular -subacute bacterial endocarditis, aterial sclerosis, dissecting aneurysm,
increased capillarry permeability, severe hypertension.
CNS- during and immediately following spinal tap, spinal anesthesia or major surgery,
espcially of the brain, spinal cord or eye.
hemophilia, som vascular purpuras, thrombocytopenia
GI- ulcerative lesions, diverticulitis or ulcerative colitis, continuous tube drainage of the stomach
or small intestine
Obstertic- threatened abortion, menstruation.
Other- liver disease with impaired hemostatis, severe renal disease
Hyperlipidemia- heparin may increase free fatty acid serum levels by induction of lipoprotein
Benzyl alcohol- contained in some products as preservative, has been associated with fatal
- gasping syndrome - in premature infants
Resistence - increased resitence to the drug frequently encounterd in fever, thrombosis,
thrombophlebitis, infections with thrombosing tendencies, MI, cancer and post operative
Hypersentivity- heparin is derived from animal tissue, use caution in patients with a history of
allergy. Before a therapeutic dose is given, a trial dose may be advisable.
Elderly- a higher incidence of bleedng has occured in women > 60 years of age.
Use with caution during pregnancy especially during the last trimester and during the immediate
postpartum period, because of the risk of maternal haemorrhage
Lactation- heparin is not excreted in breast milk.
Children- safety and efficacy have not been determined in new borns, germinal matrix intraventricular
hemorrhage occurs more often in low birth weight infants receiving heparin.
Monitoring - common test used to monitor heparins effect is activated partial thromboplastin time
APTT . APTT is widely used quick easily done and reproducible
Perform periodic platelet counts hemotocrit and tests for occult blood in stool during the entire
course of therapy, regardless of the route of administration
may develop probably due to induced hypoaldosteronism.
Use with caution in patients with diabetes or renal insufficiency. Monitor patients closely
Drug/Lab interactions-
Significant elevation in aminotransferase AST and ALT have occurred in high percentage of
patients. Cautiously interpret aminotransferase increases that might be caused by heparin.
Dosages/ Overdosage Etc:
Date of Approval 2002
Thembosis/ embolism Coagulopathies Deep vein thrombosis Given by intermittant IV injection, continuous IV infusion or deep SC ( above the oliac crest of abdominal fat layer ) injection.
Avoid IM injection.
Adjust dosage according to coagulation test prior to,each injection. Dosage is adequate when WBCT is approximately 2-5 to 3 times control value or when APTT is 1.5 to 2 times normal
Other Information:
Patient Information:
Anticoagulants include- Enoxaparin, Dalteparin, Heparin, Warfarin, Anisindione
1. Dosing is highly individual and may have to be adjusted based on lab test results. Strict
adherence to prescribed dosage schedule is necessary.
2. Do not take or discontinue any other medication, except on advice of physician or pharmacist.
Avoid alcohol, salicylates and drastic changes in dietary habits.
3. Oral anticoagulants may cause a red-orange discolouration of alkaline urine.
4. Notify physician if unusual bleeding or bruising, red or dark brown urine (blood), red or tar
black stools or diarrhea occurs
5. Do not change brands without consulting a physician or pharmacist.
6. Consult physician before undergoing dental work or elective surgery.
7. Pregnancy- anticoagulants may cause birth defects- do not begin this medicine during pregnancy
and do not become pregnant while taking it.
8. Breast feeding- warfarin is not likely to cause problems in nursing babies. A bood test can be done
if unwaranted effects are occuring in the nursing baby.
9.Children- very young basbies may be sensitive to anticoagulants. May increase the chance of
bleeding during treatment.
10. Elderly- may increase the chance of bleeding.
11. Other medicines- Tell your doctor if in case you are taking over -the counter ( OTC ) medicines ,
even aspirin, laxatives, vitamins or antacids
12. Other medical problems- Tel your doctor if you have had any of the following conditions
Childbirth or
Falls or blows to the body or head or
Fever lasting more than a couple of days
Heavy or unusual menstrual bleedin
Insertion of interuterine disc (IUD) or
Medical or dental surgery or
Severe or continuing diarrhea or
Spinal anesthesia or
X-ray (radiation ) treatment- risk of serious bleeding is increased.
Pharmacology/ Pharmacokinetics:
Commercial preparations of heparin are derived from bovine lung or porcine intestinal mucosa, although chemical and biological differnces exist, there is no clincal differnce in thev antithrombotic effects.
Heparin calcium is reported to cause lower incidence of hematoma than heparin sodium, however difference inside effects or efficacy have not been documented
Heparin is absorbed from the GI tract and must be given IV or SC.
Peak plasma levels of heparin are acheived in 2 to 4 hours following SC use, although there is considerable individual variation.
Once absorbed heparin is distributed in plasma and is extensively protein bound.
Heparin is rapidly cleared from plasma with an average half life of 30 to 180 minutes
Heparin is excreted in urine as unchanged drug ( upto 50% ) particularly after large doses.
Pregnancy and lactation:
Elderly- a higher incidence of bleedng has occured in women > 60 years of age.
Use with caution during pregnancy especially during the last trimester and during the immediate
postpartum period, because of the risk of maternal haemorrhage
heparin is not excreted in breast milk.
Children- safety and efficacy have not been determined in new borns, germinal matrix intraventricular
hemorrhage occurs more often in low birth weight infants receiving heparin.