Rizatriptan 5mg/10mg tablets,
Strength | Rate | Packing Style |
5mg | 147.00 | 10s tablets |
10mg | 213.00 | 10s tablets |
List of Related Indications:
- Migraine
List Of Drugs:
- Rizatriptan-@Agents for migraine-(Jan 1993)
Indication Type Description:
Drug Interaction
Adverse Reaction
Dosages/ Overdosage Etc
Patient Information
Pharmacology/ Pharmacokinetics
Interaction with Food
Pregnancy and lactation
Drug Interaction:
Agents for Migraine include- Almotriptan, Eletriptan, Frovatriptan, Naratriptan, Rizatriptan, Sumatriptan, Zolmitriptan Refer - Sumatriptan
Agents for Migraine include- Almotriptan, Eletriptan, Frovatriptan, Naratriptan, Rizatriptan, Sumatriptan, Zolmitriptan
Refer - Sumatriptan
Patent Expiry Date of drugs (Ref - IDMA Publication)
Adverse Reaction:
Serious coronary vasospasm , transient mycardial ischemia, ventricullar fibrillation/ tachycardia, amd MI have been associated with 5-HT1 agonists.
Oral - these agents have been well tolerated. Across all doses most adverse reactions have been mild and transcient aand did not lead to long lasting effects.
Cardiovascular- palpitation , arrhythmia, bradycardia, cold extremities, hypertension, tachycardia, angina pectoris.
CNS- euphoria, hypesthesia, mental acuity decreased , tremor, agitation, anxiety, confusion, depression,disorientation, dream abnormality, dysarthria, gait abnormality, hyperesthesia, insomnia, irritability, memory impairment, nervousness, vertigo, akineesia/bradycardia, apphrension, depersonalisation,dysesthesia, hyperkinesia, hyporeflexia
Dermatologic- flushing, priritus, rash, sweating, urticaria, acne, erythema, photosensitivity.
GI- diarrhea, vomiting, acid regurgitation, constipation, dyspepsia, dysphagia, flatulance, thirst, edema, anorexia, appetite increased, eructation, gastritis, paralysis ( tongue ) GU - hot flashes, menstruation disorder, polyuria, urinary frequency, dysuria.
Musculoskeltal - arthalgia, muscle cramp, muscle spasm, muscle weakness, musculoskelatal pain, myalgia, stiffness
Respiratory- dyspnea, congestion, dry nose, dry throat, epistaxis, nasal irritation,phrayngitis, respiratory congestion ( nasal) , sinus disorder, upper respiratory tract infection, yawning, cough, hiccoughs, hoarseness, phyrayngeal edema, rhinnorhea, sneeszing, tachcardia
Special senses- blurred vision, burning eye, dry eyes, ear pain, eye irritation,teraing, tinnitus, eye swelling, hyperacusis, itching eye, photophobia, photopsia, smell pervertion.
Miscellaneous- warm/cold sensation, abdominal distention, chills, dehydration, facial edema, hangover effect, heat sensitivity, edema//swelling, fever, orthostic efects, syncope.
Dosages/ Overdosage Etc:
Initially 5-10mg swallowed whole with liquid. Repeat if necessary after at least 2 hours. Maximum 30mg per day. Not receommended for patients below 18 years
Patient Information:
Injection- sumitriptan- Instruct patients who are advised to self administer sumatriptan in medically unsupervised situations, on the proper use of the product prior to doing so for the first time, including loading the auto-injector and discarding empty syringes For adults the usual dose is a single injection given just below the skin.
Administer as soon as migraine symptoms appear, but it may given at any time during the attack. A second injection can be given if symptoms of migraine return. Do not use more than 2 injections/24 hours and allow at least 1 hour between each dose.
The patient may experience pain or redness at the site of injection, but this usually lasts less than 1 hour. Intranasal- for adults, Usual dose is a single nasal spray into 1 nostril. If headache returns, a second nasal spray may be given 2 hours after the first spray.
For any attack where the patient has no response to the first nasal spray, do not use a second nasal spray without consulting a physician Do not administer more than 40mg sumatriptan or more than 10mg zolmitriptan nasal spray in any 24 hour period.
Oral- Take a single dose with fluids as soon as symptoms of migraine appear. A second dose may be taken if symptoms return, but no sooner than 2 hours ( sumatriptan, zolmitriptan, eletriptan ) or 4 hours ( naratriptan, ) following the first dose. For a given attack if there is no response to the first dose do not take a second dose without first consulting a physician.
Do not take more than 200mg sumatriptan, more than 5mg naratriptan, more than 10mg zolmitriptan or more than 80mg eletriptan in any 24 hours period. Tell a physician if the patient has risk factors for heart disease (eg. high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity, diabetes, smoking, strong family history of heart disease or stroke, a male over 40 years of age postmenopausal women ) These agents are intended to relieve migraine but not to prevent or reduce the number of attacks.
Use only to treat an actual migraine attack or cluster headache ( sumatriptan inj only ) Instruct patients not to use these agents if they are pregnant, think that they might be pregnant, are trying to become pregnant, or not taking adequate contraception , unless they have discussed this with their physician If pain, tightness, pressure or heaviness in the chest , throat, neck or jaw occurs when using these agents, instruct patients to discuss it with a physician before using more.
If the chest pain is severe or does not go away, instruct patients to immediately call a physician If sudden or severe abdominal pain occurs following naratriptan or sumatriptan admin., instruct patient to immediately call a physician If shortness of breath, wheezing ,heart throbbing, swelling of eye lids, face or lips, skin rash, skin lumps, or hives occur, advice patients to immediately tell a physician . Instruct patients not to take additional dose unless directed by the physician. If feelings of tingling, heat, flushing ( redness of face lasting for a short time) heaviness, pressure, drowsiness, dizziness, tiredness, or sickness develop, instruct patients to tell a physician Migraine or treatment with Rizatriptan may cause somnolence in some patients. Dizziness also has been reported. Evalute ability to perform complex tasks during migraine and after administration of Rizatriptan.
Instruct patiens not to remove the blister from the outer pouch until just prior to dosing zolmitriptan or rizatriptan orally -disintegrating tablets. Instruct patients to peel blister packs open with dry hands and to place orally-disintegrating tablets on the tongue,where it will dissolve and be swalllowed with the saliva. Inform phenylketonuric patients that riztriptan and zolmitriptan orally-disintegrating tablets contain phenylalamine ( a component of aspartame )
Each 5mg rizatriptan orally -disintegrating tablet contains 1.05mg phenylalamine and each 10mg orally-disintegrating tablet contains 2.1mg phenylalamine. Each 2.5 mg zolmitriptan orally-disintegrating tablet contains 2.81 mg phenylalamine Photosensitization ( photoallergy or photoxicity ) may occur. Therefore, caution patients to take protective measures (ie. sunscreens, protective clothing ) against exposure to sunlight or ultraviolet light until tolerance is determined
Pharmacology/ Pharmacokinetics:
Agents for Migraine include- Almotriptan, Eletriptan, Frovatriptan, Naratriptan, Rizatriptan, Sumatriptan, Zolmitriptan
Pharmacology- Sumatriptan, naratriptan, zolmitriptan, rizatriptan, frovatriptan, eletriptan and almotriptan are selective 5-hydroxytryptamine1 (5-HT1 or serotonin ) receptor agonists
Pharmacokinetics- RENAL FUNCTION IMPAIRMENT -- Rizatriptan- in hemodialysis patients ( Ccr less than 2mL/min/ 1.73m2 ) the AUC for rizatripotan wasc approximately 44% greater than that in patients with normal renal function.
HEPATIC FUNCTION IMPAIRMENT- liver plays an important role in presystemic clearance of 5-HT1 agonists. Accodingly the bioavailability may be markedly increased in patientsdwith liver disease. Rizatriptan- following oral admin in patients with hepatic impairment caused by mild to mloderate alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver , plasma concn. of rizatriptan were similar in patients with mild to hepatic insufficiency compared with a control group of healthy subjects, plasma concentration of rizatriptan were approx. 30% greater in patients with moderate hepatic insufficiency.
Interaction with Food:
Food has significant effect on oral 5-HT1 agonists bioavailability, but delays sumatriptans Tmax by aaproximately 30 minutes and rizatriptans time to reach peak concentration by 1 hour. AUC and Cmax of eletriptan are increased approximately 20% to 30% following oral admin. of a high fat meal.
Pregnancy and lactation:
Pregnancy- There are no adequate and well controlled studies in pregnant women
Use during pregnancy only if the potential benefits justifies the potential risk to the fetus
Lactation- Excercise caution when administering to a nursing woman
Children- safety and efficacy have not beenestablished.
Elderly- Pharmacokinetics disposition of 5-HT agonists in the elderly is similar to that seen in younger adults.