Manufacturer Details
AstraZeneca Pharma India Ltd
Bellary Road Hebbal
Bangalore 560024
Carboprost tromethamine 250mcg/ml inj,
Packing Style
1 amp injection
List of Related Indications:
List Of Drugs:
- Carboprost @ - Prostagladin - Abortifacients
Indication Type Description:
Drug Interaction:
Enhances action of oxytocin,hence both drugs should be used sequentially and carefully monitored.
Action enhanced by prior injection of hyperosmolar urea.
Elective combination with mifepristone also lower side effects than when used alone.
Abortion,postpatrum utrerine bleeding.
Adverse Reaction:
Severe CVS disorders including fatal hypotension, tachyponea, pyrexia,and M.I. (in patients with high risk factors) following intra-aminiotic or intravaginal adminstration
Convulsions & ECG changes,amniotic fluid embolism and uterine rupture, foetal distress and rarely foetal death during induction of labour.
Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, flushing, shivering, headache, dizziness, hypotension, temporary pyrexia.
Hypersens.Acute pelvic inflammatory disease.
Patients with acute cardiac,pulmonary,renal or hepatic disease.
Patients with H/O caesarian,major uterine surgery.
Special precautions:
Chorioaminonitis during labour may have an inhibitory effect on the uterine response to the drug. Hence not recocommended in this condition.
Concurrent admin of antiemetic and antidiarrhoeal drugs recommended to take care of adverse effect. Monitor patients with cardiopulmonary disorders,glaucoma,asthma.
Dosages/ Overdosage Etc:
Abortion,postpatrum utrerine bleeding.
For IM use only. 250mcg(1ml) by deep IM injection. .Sequently 250mcg at 1.5 to 3.5 hour intervals.
Storage: Refrigerate at 2 to 4C. Stable for 9 days at room temp.
Patient Information:
1. Allergy- Tell your doctor if you are allergic to the medicine or any other oxytocics ( medicines that stimulate the urerus to contract ) or food substances, presrvatives, dyestuffs etc.
2. Other medicines- Tell your doctor if you are taking any of the following- Prescription medicines or OTC products
3. Other medical problems- Tell your doctor if you are having any otherĀ medical problems-
Adrenal gland disease- carboprost stimulates the body to produce steroids Anemia- in some patients abortion with carboprost may resultin loss of blood that may require a transfusion.
Asthma- or Lung disease - carboprost may cause narrowing of the blood vessels in the lungs or narrowing of lung passages
Diabetes mellitus- or Epilepsy - rarely seizures have occured with use of carboprost
Glaucoma- rarely the pressure within the eye has increased during use of carboprost
Interaction with Food:
Not available
Pregnancy and lactation:
Not reported.