Manufacturer Details
Travoprost 0.004% per ml eye drops,
Packing Style
5ML Eye drops
List of Related Indications:
- Ocular hypertension
- Open angle glaucoma
List Of Drugs:
- Travoprost- Prostagladin Agonist- Agents For Glaucoma - (FDC- List )- (Jan 2008)
Indication Type Description:
Drug Interaction:
Leave intervals of 5 minutes before using the other eye preparations
U.S FDA APPROVED DRUGS FROM 01-01-08 TO 31-12-08
Drug name Indication Date of Approval
39. Travoprost 40mcg 28-01-08
+ Timolol (as Maleate ) 5mg perml eye drops
For decrease of intraocular pressure in patients
with open angle glaucoma or ocular hypertension,
who are insufficiently responsive to topical
beta blockers or prostaglandin analogues
New Drugs Approved by (DCI) Drug Controller GENERAL - India For Marketing
(Ref- IDMA Publication)
Name of Drug Indication Date of Approval
Travoprost 40mcg 28-01-2008
+ Timolol Maleate 5mg/ml
Eye drops
For decrease of Intraocular Pressure in Patients with Open Angle Glaucoma
or Ocular hypertension, who are insufficiently responsive to Topical Beta-blockers
or Prostaglandin analogues
Ocular hypertension Open angle glaucoma
Adverse Reaction:
Mild hyperanemia, pain, and irritation, Dry eye , foreign body sensation, Increased ocular pigmentation ( iris, eyelid, eye lashes changes may be permanent ) Other eye lashe changes, Blepharitis, Cataract , conjuntivitis, Allergy, photophobia, Keratitis, flare, Decreased flare , Decreased visual acuity, Headache, Angina, bradycardia
Lactation Pregnancy
Special Precautions-
Active intraocular inflammation Aphakia Risk of macular edema Warn patient of possible changes in eye color
Avoid skin contact Monitor eye condition closely particularly if cornea is compromised Neovascular , narrow angle , angle closure Pigmentary or congenital glaucoma
Remove contact lenses and reisert after 15 min of admin
Dosages/ Overdosage Etc:
Ocular hypertension Open angle glaucoma
Adults- 1 drop in affected eye(s) once daily in the evening Patients below 18 years- not recommended
Pregnancy and lactation:
Contraindicated for use during pregnancy and lactation Observe caution if use is required