Manufacturer Details
Eisai Inc.
Denileukin Diftitox - 150mcg/ml solution concentrate injection in single use vials,
Packing Style
150mcg/ml inj.
in single use vials
List of Related Indications:
- Cutaneous T cell lymphoma ( CTCL )
List Of Drugs:
- Denileukin Diftitox - @ -Biological Response Modifiers - Antineoplastic Agents
Indication Type Description:
Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma
Adverse Reaction:
Most common adverse reactions-
CNS - asthenia 4% dizziness 10% fatigue 30% headache 16%
Dermatologic - pruritus 8% rash 3%
GI - anorexia 4% diarrhea 8% nausea 20% vomiting 5%
Musculoskeletal - arthalgia 10% myalgia 4% rigors 18%
Respiratory - cough 5% dyspnea 3% upper respiratory tract infection 10%
Miscellaneous - edema 20% pain 5% pyrexia 14%
Special precautions/Warnings-
Infusion reactions-
Serious infusion reactions were reported in denileukin diftitox treated patients . Some
post marketing reports of infusion reactions including deaths have been reported
Resuscitative equipment - should be available during Denileukin Diftitox administration.
Immediately stop and permanently discontinue denileukin diftitox for serious infusion
Weight gain - regularly assess patients for weight gain ,new onset or worsening edema
and hypotension including orthostatic changes and monitor serum albumin levels prior
to initiation of each course.
Withhold denileukin diftitox for serum albumin levels less than 3g/dL
Visual loss - loss of visual acuity usually with loss of color vision with or without retinal
pigment mottling has been reported following denileukin diftitox administration
Pregnancy- Give denileukin diftitox to a pregant woman only if clearly needed.
Lactation- Due to the potential for serious adverse reactions in breast feeding infants from
the drug, decide whether to stop nursing or the drug depending on the importance of the drug to the mother.
Children- safety and efficacy in children have not been established
Monitoring- carefully monitor weight , edema, and blood pressure prior to during treatment
Dosages/ Overdosage Etc:
Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma
Adults -
Premedication- premedicate with an anihistamine and acetoaminophen prior
to each denilukin difitox infusion
Usual dosage- 9 to 18mcg/kg/day by intravenous IV infusion over 30 to 60 minutes for
5 consecutive days every 21 days for 8 cycles.
Storage- store frozen at or below -10C ( 14F ). Thaw vials in the refrigerator at 2 to 8C
( 36 to 46F ) for not more than 24 hours or at room temp for 1 to 2 hours.
Do not freeze denileukin difitox after thawing. Discard unused portion of denileukin difitox
Patient Information:
1. Advice patients to report - fever, chills, breathing problems, chest pain, tachycardia,
and urticaria following infusion
2. Report - rapid weight gain, edema, and or orthostatic hypotension following infusion
3. Instruct patients to weigh themselves daily
4. Report and visual loss, including loss of color vision to your Doctor.
Pregnancy and lactation:
Give denileukin diftitox to a pregant woman if clearly needed.
Due to the potential for serious adverse reactions in breast feeding infants from
the drug, decide whether to stop nursing or the drug depending on the importance of the drug
to the mother.
Safety and efficacy in children have not been established
Carefully monitor weight , edema, and blood pressure prior to during treatment