Manufacturer Details
Regadenoson 0.4mg/5ml solution injection,
Packing Style
in 5ml single use prefilled syringes
List of Related Indications:
- Radionuclide myocardial perfusion imaging ( MPI )
List Of Drugs:
- Regadenoson -@ - IN VIVO Diagnostics Aids
Indication Type Description:
Drug Interaction:
Drug interactions - summary-
+ Regadenoson
Dipyridamole -
dipyradamole may change the effects of regadenson. With hold dipyradamole for
at least 2 days prior to regadenson administration
Mexthylxanthines eg caffeine, theophylline
methylxanthines are nonspecific adenosine receptor antagonist and interfere with the
vasodilation activity. Avoid methylxanthine for at least 12 hours before regadenoson
Radionuclide myocardial perfusion imaging ( MPI )
Adverse Reaction:
Most common adverse reactions resolved in within 15 minutes, except headache which is
resolved in 30 minutes in majority of patients
Cardiovascular - angina pectoris 10%
CNS - dizziness 7% flushing 14% headache 24%
GI - abdomnal discomfort 4% dysgesia 4% nausea 5%
Miscellaneous - chest discomfort 12% cheast pain 6% dyspnea 26%
feeling hot 4%
Second and third degree atrio-ventricular AV block or sinus node sysfunction
Special Precautions/Warnings -
Myocardial ischemia - fatal cardiac arrest, life threatening ventricular arrhythmias and
myocardial infarction may result in from the ischemia induced pharmacological stress
If serious reactions with regadenoson occur, consider use of aminophylline an adenosine
antagonist to shorten the duration of increased CHF induced by rendenoson
Hypotension- adenosine receptor agonists inculding regadenoson induce arterial vasodilation and hypotension. Decreased systolic pressure was observed.
Bronchoconstriction- adenosine receptor may cause bronchoconstriction and respiratory compromise. Appropiate bronchodilator therapy and resuscitative measures should be available prior to regadenoson administration
Pregnancy -use regadenoson in pregnant women only if needed.
Lactation- breast feeding women may consider interrupting breast-feeding for 10 minutes after administration
Children - safety and effectiveness in children younger than 18 years have not been
Elderly- older patients ( over 75 years ) had a similar adverse had similar reaction profile as compared with younger patients
Dosages/ Overdosage Etc:
Radionuclide myocardial perfusion imaging ( MPI )
5ml ( regadenoson 0.4mg ) intervenously ( IV )
Administer regadenson as a rapid ( approx 10 seconds ) injection into a peripheral vein using a
22-guage or larger catheter or needle. Administer a 5ml saline flush immediately after the
injection of regadenson.
Storage- store at 25 C ( 77F 0
Patient Information:
1. Instruct patients to avoid consumption of any products containing methylxanthines,
including caffeinated coffee, tea, or other caffeinated beverages for at least 12 hours
before a scheduled redindonuclide
2. Before regadenoson admin inform patients the most common reactions eg shortness
of breath,headache, and flushing that has been reported in association with regadenoson
during MPI.
3. Instruct patients with COPD or asthma to discuss their respiratory history and administration
of pre-and post study therapy with their doctor before scheduling an MPI study with regadenoson
Pregnancy and lactation:
Pregnancy -
Use regadenoson in pregnant women only if needed.
Breast feeding women may consider interrupting breast-feeding for 10 minutes after
Children -
Safety and effectiveness in children younger than 18 years have not been
Older patients ( over 75 years ) had a similar adverse had similar reaction profile as
compared with younger patients