Drug Interaction:
Drug interactions- summary
Betablockers eg propranolol ,, corticosteroids, doxycycline, estrogens, ( including oral
contraceptives ), felodipine, griseofluvin, nifedipine, phenylbutazone, quinidine,
theophylline , warfarin -
effects of drugs may be decreased
Carbamazepine, sulfinpyrazone-
may increase risk of hepatoxicity
MAOIs inhibitors-
may increase CNS effects
Other CNS depressants( ethanol, narcotics, gneral anesthetics, traquilizers , sedative -
CNS effects may occur
Tricyclic antidepressants-
antidepressant effect may decrease
Drug lab test interactions-
with home blood glucose systems, may cause decrease in mean glucose values,
may give false urinary 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid result.
Tension or muscle contraction headache
Adverse Reaction:
CNS - drowsiness, dizziness, lightheadedness, confusion
Dermatologic- rash
GI - nausea, vomying, flatulence
Special precautions-
Drug dependency- prolonged use may produce drug ,tolerance depnency (, physiological and
physical )
Pregnancy - observe caution
Lactation- undetermined
Children - safety and efficacy in children under 12 years not established
Dosages/ Overdosage Etc:
Tension or muscle contraction headache
Adults 1 to 2 tablets or capsules every 4 hours
Maximum - 6 tablets or caosules /day
12 years of age and older-
see adult dosing
Patient Information:
1. Caution patients that dependency .tolerance may result from long term use.
2. Tell patients to take food with food or full glass of water
3. Instruct patients not to discontinue after long-term regular use.
4. Caution patients to avoid intake of alcoholic beverages and other CNS with depressants
without the the approval of their doctor.
5. Warn patients to avoid any hazardous activity (eg driving, smoking ) if dizziness, drowsiness,
or decrease in mental acuity occurs.
6. Warn patients that orthostatic hypotension may occur. Instruct patients to change positions
slowly and to sit or lie down if symptoms occur
7. Instruct patients not to take OTC medicines without consulting their doctor.
8. Advice patients to report any of the following symptoms to their doctor, eg, persistent or
recurrent pain before next schedule dose, difficulty in breathing, increased drowsiness,
vomiting or yellowing of skin or gums.
increased drowsiness, vomiting, abdominal pain , tarry stools ,inusual bruising or bleeding.
Interaction with Food:
To be taken with food or full glass of water
Pregnancy and lactation:
Pregnancy -
Observe caution
Children -
Safety and efficacy in children under 12 years not established