Manufacturer Details
Mission Pharmacal Company Inc
Acetohydoxamic Acid 250mg tablets in 100s pack,
Packing Style
250mg tabs
in 100s pack
List of Related Indications:
- Chronic urea-splitting urinary infection
List Of Drugs:
- Acetohydroxyamic Acid- @- Genito-urinary Agents
Indication Type Description:
Drug Interaction:
Drug interactions-
Alcoholic beverages + AHA -
alcoholic beverages taken with AHA have caused rash
AHA + heavy metals-
AHA chelates heavy metals notably iron. Absorption of iron and AHA from the intestinal lumen
may be reduced when both drugs are taken concomitantly.
When iron is indicated administer IM
Chronic urea-splitting urinary infection
Adverse Reaction:
Cardiovascular- superficial phlebitis involving lower extremities reported
The phlebitis and emboli resolved following discontinuation of therapy
CNS- mild headaches are common. The headaches are mild responsive to local
salicylate analgesics
Dermatologic- nonpruritic mascular skin rash occured in upper extremities and on the face
of patients on along term basis, usually when acetohydroxamic acid is consistently
taken with alcoholic beverages
GI - gastrointestinal symptoms , nausea, vomiting, anorexia, and malaise have occurred
Haemotologic- patients had laboratory findings characterstics of hemolytic anemia
Haematological abnormalities are more prevalant in patients with advanced
renal failure
Psychiatric - depression, anxiety, nervousness, have been observed. in most cases the
reactions were mild. Very few required discontinuation of treatment
Contraindicated- in patients whose renal function is poor, in female patients who do not evidence
a satisfactory method of contraception, patients who are pregnant
Special Precaution-
Coombs negative hemolytic anemia- has occured in patients receiving acetohydroxamic acid.
Gastrointestinal upset characterised by nausea, vomiting,anorexia, and generalized malaise
has accompanied the most severe forms of hemolytic anemia
Renal function impairment- patients should be closely monitored and a reduction in daily dose
may be needed.
Hepatic function impairment- close minitoring of liver function is recommended
Pregnancy- The drug is contraindicated for use during pregnancy
If patient becomes pregnant while taking the drug , the patient should be informed
about the potential hazards to the fetus.
Lactation- a decison should be taken whether to discontinue nursing or the drug depending
on the importance of the drug to the mother.
Children- Children have tolerated a dose of 10mg/kg/day satisfactorily for periods up to 1 year.
Close monitoring of such patients is necessary
Dosages/ Overdosage Etc:
Chronic urea-splitting urinary infection
Acetohydroxamic acid should be administered orally 1 tablet 3 to 4 times a day in a total daily
dose of 10 to 15mg/kg /day
The recommended starting dose is 12mg/kg/day administered at 6 - to 8 hour intervals at a time
when the stomach is empty. The maximum daily dose should not be no more than 1.5g regardless
of body weight
Children- in children the initial starting dose of 10mg/kg/day is recommended
Close monitoring of patients clinical condition and haematogical status is recommended
Renal function impairment- dosage should be reduced in patients with reduced renal function
Patients whose serum creatinine is no more than 1.8mg/dl should take no more than 1g/day.
Such patients should be dosed at 12 hour intervals
Patient Information:
1. Advice patients that the daily dosage of acetylhydroxamic acid is important to the proper
treatment of their condition
2. Advice patients to report any side effects to their doctor.
Pregnancy and lactation:
The drug is contraindicated for use during pregnancy
If patient becomes pregnant while taking the drug , the patient should be informed
about the potential hazards to the fetus.
A decison should be taken whether to discontinue nursing or the drug depending
on the importance of the drug to the mother.
Children have tolerated a dose of 10mg/kg/day satisfactorily for periods up to 1 year.
Close monitoring of such patients is necessary