Manufacturer Details
Methylergonovine Maleate 0.2mg ml injection,
Methylergonovine Maleate 0.2mg tablets,
Packing Style
0.2mg/ml inj
in 1ml ampuls
0.2mg tabs
in 100s tablets
List of Related Indications:
List Of Drugs:
- Methylergonovine Maleate - Uterine Stimulants - Uterine- Active Agents
Indication Type Description:
Drug Interaction:
CYP3A 4 inhibitors-
Methylergomovine should not be coadministered with potent CYP3A4 inhibitors
eg macrolide antibiotics eg clarithromycin, erythromycin, troleandomycin,
HIV protease or reverse transcriptase inhibitors, eg delavardine, indinavir, nelfanavir, ritovir
or azole antifunfangals-ketoconazole, itraconazole, voriconazole
Vasoconstrictors/ergot alkaloids- excercise caution when methylergonovine is used concurrently
with vasoconstrictors or ergot alkaloids
Uterine contractions
Adverse Reaction:
Most common-
Hypertension in several cases wih seizure or headache
Hypotension also reported
Nausea and vomiting occurred occassionally
Acute myocardial infarction, transceint chest pain, dyspnea, hematuria, thrombophelbitis
water intoxication, hallucinations, leg cramps, dizziness, tinnitus, nasal congection,
diarrhoea, palpitation and foul taste
Certain ergot alkaloids are contraindicated for concomittant use with potent CYP3A4 inhibotors
eg , macrolide antibitotics, azo eantifungals,
CYP3A4 inhibitors should not be used concomittantly with methylergonovine
Special precautions-
Special risk- caution should be excercised in presence of sepsis, obliterative vascular disease
hepatic or renal involvement
Use with caution during the second stage of labor
Pregnancy- use of methylergonovine maleate is contraindicated during pregnancy becuase of
utertonic effects
Labor and delivery- the uterotonic effect of methylergonovine maleate is utilized after delivery
to assist involution and decrease hemorrhage, shortening the third stage of labor
Lactation-caution should be excercised when methylergovine maleate is administered
to a nursing women.
Children - safety and efficacy in children patients have not been established
Dosages/ Overdosage Etc:
Uterine contractions
1 tablet 0.2mg 3 to 4 times a daliy in the puerperium for a maximum of 1 week
Pregnancy and lactation:
Use of methylergonovine maleate is contraindicated during pregnancy becuase of
utertonic effects
Labor and delivery-
The uterotonic effect of methylergonovine maleate is utilized after delivery
to assist involution and decrease hemorrhage, shortening the third stage of labor
Caution should be excercised when methylergovine maleate is administered
to a nursing women.
Children -
Safety and efficacy in children patients have not been established