Drug Interaction:
Tricylic Compounds include-
Tertiary amines - Amitriptyline,Clomipramine,Doxepin,Imipramine,Trimipramine
Secondary amines - Amoxipine, Desipramine, Nortriptyline,Portriptyline
Refer - Amitriptyline
Drug interactions- summary
Imipramine +
MAOIs. - fatal reactions may occur in combination with MAOIs Adrenaline, noradrenaline and methylpenidate - Severe hypertension Guanithedine, betaanidine,debrisoquine and bretylin. - reverses hypotension effects
Methyldopa and clonidine. - interferes with hypertensive action
Anticonvulsants - Reduction in seizure thresold, anticonvulsant dose to be increased.
Levopdopa - Interferes with absorption of levadopa.
Tranquillisers - tranquillsers inhibit metabolism,
Oral contraceptives - Oral contraceptives reduce bioavailability,
Barbiturates - reduce plasma levels thereby reducing antidepressant effect.
Cimetidine - elevates serum impiramine concentrations and adverse effect
Alcohol - combination with alcohol causes drowsiness and impaired performance.
Imipramine with MAOIs. fatal reactions may occur in combination with MAOIs Adrenaline, noradrenaline and methylpenidate. Severe hypertension with Guanithedine, betaanidine,debrisoquine and bretylin. reverses hypotension effects Methyldopa and clonidine. interferes with hypertensive action
Anticonvulsants -Reduction in seizure thresold, anticonvulsant dose needs to be increased.
Levopdopa -Interferes with absorption of levadopa.
Tranquillisers -Major tranquillsers inhibit metabolism, Oral contraceptives Oral contraceptives reduce bioavailability,
Tricylic Compounds include-
Tertiary amines - Amitriptyline,Clomipramine,Doxepin,Imipramine,Trimipramine
Secondary amines - Amoxipine, Desipramine, Nortriptyline,Portriptyline
Refer - Amitriptyline
Adverse Reaction:
Rare agranulocytosis. Sinus tachycardia. A.V.bundle branch block, postural hypotension,
Dry mouth,constipation,urinary hesistency/retention,
Blurring of vision,exacerbation of glaucoma, Impotence,liver dydsfunction,
Weight gain,esoinophollia, leucopenia,fine tremors.
Post M.I. bundle branch block,epilepsy.
Special precautions: BHP,mania,safety in pregnancy not established. Gradual withdrawal.
Dosages/ Overdosage Etc:
Indications: Depression Dosage: 100 to 150mg in divided doses.
Children - 1.5mg/kg in 3 divided doses.
Other Information:
For Availability/supplies
Contact -
1.Indian Drug Manufacturers Association (IDMA)
Phone- 022- 24944624/ 24974308
Fax- 022- 24950723
Email- idma@vsnl.com
Website: www.idma-assn.org
2.Bulk Drug Manufacturers Association (India)(BDMA)
Phone - 040-23703910/ 23706718
Fax- 040-23704804
Email- info@bdmai.org
Website: www.info@bdmai.org
Patient Information:
Tricyclic antidepressants include - Amitriptyline, Doxepin, Nortriptyline, Dothiepin, Amineptine, Imipramine, Clomipramine, Mianserin
Refer- Amitriptyline
Pharmacology/ Pharmacokinetics:
Refer amitriptyline.
Interaction with Food:
None reported.
Pregnancy and lactation:
Refer amitriptyline